Reassess, Adapt, Succeed

Optimised Insights

“Reassess information, adapt to life’s challenges, and succeed.”

Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Unlocking the Secrets of an Optimised Life: Your Answers are Within

Life, like an intricate puzzle, often leaves us searching for answers, seeking the elusive keys to happiness, success, and fulfillment. Yet, in our quest for an optimised life, we often forget that the most profound answers lie within us. As Socrates famously said, "Know thyself." Let's embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of an optimised life by turning our gaze inward.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Multiple Intelligences - Life as a symphony

Multiple Intelligences - Consider Life as a symphony where each aspect is a unique instrument, and your exploration and understanding of these aspects serve as the conductor, guiding the harmonious composition.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The importance of Trust - Unlocking Self Trust

Cultivating self-trust is the ultimate key to overcoming distrust and living an optimised life. By finding the right balance between caution and trust, you empower yourself to make confident decisions, build meaningful relationships, and embrace personal growth.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The Body as a resource library

Energetic kinesiology serves as the lantern guiding your way, illuminating the paths that lead to self-discovery and healing. However, remember that the true power to unlock this repository of wisdom lies within you. You are both the inquirer and the oracle.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Intention, Attention and Manifestation

By consciously setting intentions, maintaining focused attention, and actively participating in the manifestation process, you create a path that aligns your actions and achievements with your deepest desires, resulting in a life that is more fulfilling and meaningful.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Through the Looking Glass: Unveiling the Subjectivity of Perception

Each moment we encounter, every sight we behold, is veiled by the unique lens of our subjectivity. Instead of being passive observers, we actively interpret and shape our experiences based on the intricate tapestry of our emotions, experiences, and beliefs. The world becomes not just an external reality but a canvas painted by the colors of our inner landscape.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Optimise our childhood learnt coping styles

Our childhood experiences have a profound impact on the coping styles we develop as adults. These coping mechanisms shape the way we navigate life's challenges and significantly influence our ability to lead an optimised life.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Understanding our default behaviours

Our early experiences shape the lens through which we perceive and respond to the world. The programs installed during childhood become the default settings for how we navigate life's twists and turns. These scripts, often unconscious, influence not only our reactions but also our relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The gift we give ourselves that keeps on giving.

The Profound Power of Gratefulness: Unveiling its Life-Enhancing Benefits

"Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for." - Zig Ziglar

Gratefulness is a timeless virtue that transcends cultures and eras, reminding us to appreciate the abundance in our lives, regardless of circumstances.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Holding onto weight and Human Design insight

Human Design is like a personalised map that navigates the intricate terrain of your personality, behaviour, and most importantly, your health in a really optimised way. Through the lens of Human Design, we can explore how your energy interacts with food, exercise, and stress, providing you with a tailor-made guide to optimising your well-being.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Intention, passion & purpose

Intention, passion, & purpose are three interconnected concepts that can contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life. The choice ultimately comes to you and how much you wish to optimise your life.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble


Hypnotherapy can be used beautifully in holistic wellness for beautiful, empowering results.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Optimising parenthood through human design

Childhood is undeniably one of the most formative and crucial phases in a person's life. It's during these early years that the foundation for the future is laid, influencing how our children navigate the world and the choices they make. As parents, our primary wish is to set our children up for success and happiness, providing them with the tools and guidance they need to thrive.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The Deeper Message - Symbiosis

In the realm of ancient Cherokee wisdom, there exists a parable—an allegory of life's intricate choices—known as the story of the two wolves. It's a narrative that has resonated with many, and while you might be familiar with a popular version of the tale, the original story carries a deeper, more nuanced message.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Burning off the dead wood - transforming

The fear of change is something most of us can relate to. We often resist it becuase it feels like we’re losing something. However, it’s essential to remember that change isn’t about losing; it’s about gaining. It’s about shedding what no longer serves us to reveal our true selves.

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Live with Intention, Love with Passion, Thrive with Purpose

Start your journey

                    Quieten the Mind - Wisdom    

                 Engage the Heart - Compassion

                Embrace Inner Awareness - Power

Quotes from ancient philosophers that resonate with these principles:

Quieten the Mind - Wisdom:

"The quieter you become, the more you can hear." - Ram Dass

Engage the Heart - Compassion:

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." - Lao Tzu

Embrace Inner Awareness - Power:

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power." - Lao Tzu