Live, Learn, Liberate

Optimising Adaptive Coping Strategies - Source Coding for unconscious coping styles - behaviours and patterns

“Live authentically, learn continually & liberate from limiting coping patterns."

Coping Styles Development

In the delicate tapestry of human development, childhood serves as the loom on which the threads of our coping styles are intricately woven. From our earliest moments, we begin to fashion these adaptive responses to the challenges life presents. Like silent architects, they construct the framework upon which our adult beliefs, patterns, and responses take root. Yet, for most of our lives, we remain unaware of their existence, as they operate beneath the surface, steering our choices and shaping our experiences.

As we reach adulthood, the need to understand these deeply ingrained coping styles becomes paramount. They are the compass that guides our decisions, the lens through which we view the world, and the architects of our innermost beliefs. From constricted responses that restrict our growth to deprived perspectives that dampen our sense of abundance, these coping styles subtly direct the trajectory of our lives.

To optimise our life experience, we must first embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers to reveal the blueprint etched during our formative years. This voyage entails recognising the coping styles that have silently governed our choices. Only when we shine a light on these patterns can we begin to replace them with healthier alternatives.

Maya Angelou's profound words remind us that “liberation is a journey, not a destination.” Liberation from these entrenched coping styles is no different. To liberate ourselves, we must first acknowledge their existence. Once identified, we can start crafting antidotes—new coping strategies rooted in authenticity, resilience, and growth.

The wisdom of renowned minds, such as Carl Rogers, who emphasised self-acceptance as the catalyst for change, or Viktor Frankl, who found freedom in choosing one's attitude, offers us valuable guidance in this process. Their insights encourage us to embrace the power of living authentically, learning continually, and breaking free from constraining coping patterns.

By optimising these coping styles, by replacing constriction with authenticity, deprivation with abundance, and disconnection with resilience, we reconstruct our life's blueprint. We evolve into architects of our destiny, designing lives that resonate with purpose, fulfillment, and our profound unique significance.

In our pursuit of an optimised life, we embark on a transformative journey—one that unravels the threads of our past to weave a future enriched with authenticity, continuous growth, and the liberation that Maya Angelou so eloquently celebrated.

How Coping Style - Source Coding helps

As a Source Coder, I delve deep into the intricacies of your inner code, much like a programmer deciphering the secrets of a complex software system. Our lives are governed by this internal programming, just as a computer program's function is determined by its source code. These hidden patterns, formed during our early development, influence how we navigate the world and relate to others. They can often feel like an integral part of our personalities, but in reality, they are the remnants of past wounds, subtly guiding our actions. By shining a light on these coping styles and their associated antidotes, we aim to guide you towards a profound transformation. It's about enabling you to dissolve the barriers that have held you back, reconnect with your authentic self, and rewrite your own life script. In this journey, we explore the quantum and symbolic dimensions of reality, holograms, hall of mirrors, and such like, understanding that our external world mirrors our internal one. It's a process of becoming your true self, where the ego undergoes a transformation, and you awaken to the vast possibilities of existence, connecting with the universal source that underlies all spiritual paths. Source Code is a path-agnostic approach, meant to encompass all spiritual and religious beliefs. The aim is to dissolve anything that obstructs your unique path towards self-discovery and transformation. Unleash the Power Within: Decipher Your Inner Code and Awaken to a World of Infinite Possibilities!


insights into coping styles and how they can influence and run our lives:

  1. Self-Acceptance Paradox - Resistance to self-acceptance can hinder personal growth, but embracing oneself opens the door to change.

  2. Choices in Moments - The choice between growth and safety shapes our life's direction and outcomes.

  3. Courage vs. Conformity - Conforming to societal norms can suppress courage and authenticity, impacting personal growth.

  4. Choosing and Becoming - We have the power to choose who we become, regardless of past experiences.

  5. Rediscovering Senses - Living in the present moment and embracing our senses liberates us from mental rigidity.

  6. Surfing Life's Waves - Learning to navigate life's challenges rather than resisting them builds resilience.

  7. Freedom of Attitude - Our attitude, even in adversity, remains within our control, providing a profound sense of freedom.

  8. Cultivating Positivity - Actively nurturing positivity counters the contagious nature of negativity and improves relationships.

  9. Truth in the Body - The body stores the truth of our experiences, impacting our emotional well-being.

  10. Inner Reflects Outer - Our inner state often manifests in our external world, influencing our life experiences.

  11. Taking Ownership - Personal growth is facilitated by taking responsibility for our problems rather than blaming external factors.

  12. Self-Care and Preservation - Self-care is not indulgence but a means of preserving our well-being to better serve others.

  13. Embracing Self-Liberation - Personal growth starts with the courageous step of subverting old patterns and embracing change.

  14. Living Fully and Authentically - Embracing life without fear of death inspires authenticity and a sense of purpose.

  15. True Education and Adaptability - The ability to learn and change enhances our capacity to thrive in an ever-changing world.

  16. Aiming High vs. Settling - Setting high aims propels us toward self-improvement and personal growth.

  17. Conquering Desires - Overcoming personal desires requires great bravery, leading to inner strength.

  18. Looking Within for Awakening - True awakening occurs when we explore our inner selves, rather than seeking external validation.

  19. Adaptation and Inner Strength - In uncontrollable situations, the challenge is to adapt and find inner resilience.

  20. Vulnerability and Innovation - Embracing vulnerability fosters creativity and positive change in our lives.

  21. Resilience Found Within - Overcoming adversity reveals the strength and resilience hidden within us.

  22. Learning to Learn and Change - The capacity to learn and adapt is fundamental for personal growth and adaptability in our interconnected world.

These insights underline how various coping styles, when left unexamined, can significantly impact our life experiences, either hindering or facilitating personal growth and well-being.


Working with our coping styles can lead to an optimised life by fostering self-awareness, promoting personal growth, and enhancing overall well-being. Here's how:

  1. Self-Awareness: Recognising Coping Patterns:

    • The first step in optimising coping styles is acknowledging their existence. Self-awareness helps us identify our default coping mechanisms and understand how they influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

  2. Identifying Unhealthy Patterns:

    • Once aware, we can pinpoint coping styles that may be detrimental to our well-being, such as excessive fear, avoidance, or people-pleasing. Recognising these patterns enables us to address them.

  3. Choosing Healthier Coping Strategies:

    • With awareness, we gain the capacity to choose healthier coping strategies. Instead of reacting instinctively, we can consciously select responses that align with our goals and values.

  4. Embracing Adaptability and Resilience:

    • Optimising coping styles often involves cultivating adaptability and resilience. We learn to flexibly respond to life's challenges, bouncing back from setbacks and managing stress effectively.

  5. Enhancing Relationships:

    • Improved coping styles can lead to healthier interpersonal relationships. We become more empathetic, open to compromise, and better at resolving conflicts, thus strengthening our connections with others.

  6. Boosting Emotional Well-Being:

    • By addressing unhealthy coping patterns, we reduce emotional distress and anxiety. This leads to improved emotional well-being and a greater sense of inner peace.

  7. Fostering Authenticity:

    • Optimising coping styles often involves removing masks and embracing authenticity. This leads to more genuine self-expression and a deeper connection with ourselves and others.

  8. Pursuing Personal Growth:

    • As we work on our coping styles, we embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. This ongoing process enables us to tap into our full potential and uncover hidden strengths.

  9. Enhancing Decision-Making:

    • Optimised coping styles lead to better decision-making. We make choices based on our authentic needs and values rather than reacting to fear or external pressures.

  10. Living with Purpose:

    • By optimising coping styles, we align our actions with a sense of purpose and meaning. This fuels motivation and a sense of fulfillment in our daily lives.

Incorporating the wisdom of the quotes mentioned earlier, such as Carl Rogers' emphasis on releasing the grip of fear and Viktor Frankl's focus on choosing one's attitude, can guide us on this transformative journey. As we work on our coping styles, we unlock our potential to live a more authentic, resilient, and purposeful life, ultimately leading to an optimised and fulfilling existence.

Optimised Styles

Are you ready to take the first step toward a more fulfilling and optimised life? Our transformative program offers you the chance to delve deep into your coping styles, discover hidden potentials, and embrace healthier strategies for personal growth and self-discovery. Strengthen your relationships, enhance emotional well-being, and learn the art of authenticity. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of renowned psychologists and thinkers, our program empowers you to rewrite your life's script. Book your session now and embark on a journey toward a more authentic, resilient, and purposeful existence. - one where you understand yourself and build on your insights. Your path to self-empowerment and optimisation awaits! Single sessions to focus on one, or 12 sessions to cover each coping style.

quotes matched to the coping styles they correlate with:

  1. Constricted: "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." - Carl Rogers

  2. Deprived: "In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety." - Abraham Maslow

  3. Disconnected: "The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity." - Rollo May

  4. Masked: "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." - Carl Jung

  5. Stiff: "Lose your mind and come to your senses." - Fritz Perls

  6. Flighty: "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

  7. Floaty: "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's way." - Viktor Frankl

  8. Frictive: "In a stable relationship, negativity has a natural tendency to be contagious, so positively must be grown deliberately." - John Gottman

  9. Internalized: "The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body, and although we can repress it, we can never alter it." - Alice Miller

  10. Externalized: "Recognize that the world outside often mirrors the world within." - Carl Jung

  11. Frustrated: "The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." - Albert Ellis

  12. Sacrificing: "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." - Audre Lorde

  13. Subverting: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

  14. Withholding: "Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death." - Erik Erikson

  15. Withstanding: "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." - John Bowlby

  16. Idealizing: "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Karen Horney

  17. Indulged: "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self." - Aristotle

  18. Omnipotent: "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung

  19. Premature: "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." - Viktor Frankl

  20. Provocative: "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change." - Brené Brown

  21. Squashed: "In rising from being squashed, we find the resilience within." - Viktor Frankl

  22. Symbiotic: "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." - John Bowlby

“If we do not work on all three levels - body, feeling, mind - the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in its cells until it is finally listened to and understood.” - Alice Miller - Author of the drama of the gifted child.

"Liberation is not a destination, but a journey of shedding the weights that tether the soul." — Maya Angelou