Attune, Embrace & Flourish

Live your Optimised Life Experience

"Attuning to your inner self, embracing your truth, and flourishing in your individuality."

Opti - Flow Kinesiology

A single session of energetic kinesiology aimed at identifying and addressing underlying causes of Auto immune, Chronic and dis-ease issues to restore physical and emotional balance while improving overall energy and well-being and enhancing self-awareness and self-healing.

Opti - Zest

A single session of energetic kinesiology aimed at identifying and addressing underlying causes of emotional blockages, to restore physical and emotional balance while improving overall energy and well-being and enhancing self-awareness and self-healing. For Women "Opti Zest Women's Wellness" is your holistic haven for embracing a vibrant and optimised life. We understand that as women, you deserve a personalised approach to well-being. Our tailored energetic kinesiology techniques are designed to ignite your inner "zest," helping you overcome women's health issues like hormonal imbalances, PMS, and menopausal symptoms. We'll guide you toward a path of balance and vitality while providing emotional support during life's transitions. With "Opti Zest," you'll unlock a renewed enthusiasm for life, empowering you to live your best, most optimised self.

Opti - Thrive Kinesiology Coaching

This 10-week course consists of 5 sessions every 2 weeks and is designed to help you thrive by identifying your passions, priorities, and blockages. It will guide you in achieving balance and inner peace by setting goals and expanding your horizons.

Opti - Nurture
Kids Kinesiology

Kids Kinesiology Helps children to improve their physical coordination, enhance their learning abilities, and reduce anxiety and stress. It can also help them to develop better communication skills, improve their self-esteem, and increase their overall sense of well-being. By introducing kids to kinesiology, they can learn to better understand their bodies, emotions, and behaviours, and develop a greater sense of control over their lives.

Opti - blue print Signature Program

Archetypes are universal symbols present in mythology, literature, and art, representing characters or situations. Understanding archetypes gives insight into unconscious patterns of thought and behaviour, empowering you to connect with your inner wisdom and personal power, and better understand and connect with others. In Optimised Lifes signature program, there is so much more than archetypes, if you are seeking radical empowerment, this is the program for you.

Opti - Mystic Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing is a practice that involves aligning and balancing the seven energy centers in the body known as chakras. By balancing the chakras, you can optimize the flow of energy throughout your body, which can have many benefits for living an optimised life. When your chakras are balanced, you may experience improved physical health, increased emotional stability, and a greater sense of mental clarity and focus. Chakra balancing can also help you to feel more connected to yourself and others, and to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. By promoting balance and harmony in your body, mind, and spirit, chakra balancing can be a powerful tool for achieving overall well-being and optimisation.

Opti - Paws
Animal Kinesiology

We use animal kinesiology to assess your cat or dog's energy and detect any emotional imbalances or stress that may be causing physical symptoms, unusual behaviour, or illness. By tapping into their energy, we can help release emotional turmoil, restore balance to their energy system, and improve their overall well-being.

Opti - Results Quantum & NLP

Clearing limiting beliefs and aligning with values and goals

Quantum coaching helps individuals to clear limiting beliefs, align with their values and goals, and achieve greater clarity, self-awareness, confidence, and fulfillment in their life.

Opti - Trance Holistic Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a technique that uses guided relaxation, focused attention, and suggestion to help individuals achieve a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility. It can be used to address a variety of issues, such as anxiety, phobias, pain management, and smoking cessation, among others. During hypnosis, individuals are more open to suggestion and can access their subconscious mind, which can help them identify and overcome limiting beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that may be holding them back. individuals can learn to reframe negative thought patterns, build self-confidence, and cultivate a positive mindset, leading to improved well-being and a greater sense of empowerment.

Opti - Kids

Through kids coaching, children can learn important life skills, such as self-awareness, confidence, resilience, and problem-solving abilities. and overcome obstacles, can develop healthy habits and attitudes, and cultivate a positive mindset that empowers them to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Opti MUM / Opti DAD Program

Helps parents to develop effective parenting strategies that promote positive communication, discipline, and relationship building with their children. understanding child development, managing challenging behaviours, setting boundaries, and fostering healthy family dynamics. Through parent coaching, parents can learn to identify their own parenting style and strengths, as well as areas where they may need to improve. They can also learn practical skills and tools that can help them navigate the complex and often stressful terrain of parenthood, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying family life.

Opti - Breakthrough Activator

A quantum breakthrough day is a focused and intensive coaching session that combines traditional coaching techniques with quantum physics principles to help individuals achieve significant and lasting positive change in a short amount of time. During a quantum breakthrough day, we work together to identify and address the root causes of their challenges, whether they are related to career, relationships, health, or personal growth. By tapping into your inner wisdom and potential, and shifting your energy towards your desired outcomes, you can experience a powerful and transformative shift in your mindset, behaviours, and results. A quantum breakthrough day can provide you with a clear direction and momentum towards your goals, and help you unlock your full potential, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Opti-Cal Opti-Call

Opti- cal Opti Call is a 15 minute call to satisfy your curiosity . You are welcome to make a time to have a conversation and ask questions , to talk about what it is that would best optimise your life.

Opti - Hearts

Program for Optimal Relationships

Through relationship coaching, people can learn new skills, gain insights into their own behaviour and patterns, and develop strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving greater satisfaction in their relationships.

Opti - Limitless potential

Co -create, work with your design in an immersive experience.

Discover a six-week online immersive experience = a program designed to optimise your life, elevate your experience, & add new dimensions to your experiences. This art of allowing helps you to align with opportunities to create who you want to be by shifting your focus to what you want. This program offers a variety of topics to challenge & liberate you, helping you to unlock your full potential & elevate every aspect of your life. With powerful tools & guidance, you will be empowered to overcome obstacles & achieve your goals, with the opportunity to transform your mind, body, & soul in the process.

Our Online 6 week Optimised Life Programs are designed to optimise your life, give insights, strategies, tools & zest for living. - Live your life with purpose - Live with intention, love with passion & thrive with purpose.

Opti - Empowerment Values & Boundaries

Quantum coaching is a holistic approach that combines traditional coaching techniques with principles of quantum physics, spirituality, and energy work. It aims to help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and potential, and align their thoughts and actions with their deepest desires and goals. Quantum coaching can help individuals break free from limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviours that may be holding them back, and shift their energy to create positive change in all areas of their lives. Helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your unique purpose, and develop a greater sense of clarity, focus, and confidence, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Other Kinesiology Sessions Available

Optimised Signature Programs

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker