Your story drives, guides, and inspires you

Optimise your Life story with Kinesiology & Life Sculpting

“What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver

Connecting with what drives, guides, and inspires you is essential for crafting your best life story and ultimately leading an optimised life.

  1. Drives: Your drives are the deep-seated motivations and desires that push you forward in life. They are the fuel that keeps you moving toward your goals and aspirations. When you connect with your drives, you tap into your inner passion and determination, which are essential for creating a compelling life narrative.

    • Contribution to an Optimised Life: Identifying and aligning with your drives can help you make choices that are in sync with your core values and aspirations. This alignment leads to a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which are key components of an optimised life. Your drives act as a compass, guiding you toward decisions and actions that are meaningful to you.

  2. Guides: Your guides are the principles, values, and beliefs that serve as your moral and ethical compass. They help you make decisions and choices in alignment with your core identity and what you stand for.

    • Contribution to an Optimised Life: When you let your guides inform your life story, you ensure that your actions and decisions are consistent with your personal values. Living in harmony with your values enhances your sense of integrity and self-worth, which are vital for an optimised life. Your guides provide a sense of direction and help you navigate through life's challenges with authenticity.

  3. Inspires: Inspiration is the spark that ignites your creativity, enthusiasm, and zest for life. It's what makes your journey enjoyable and exciting. Inspiration can come from various sources, such as people, experiences, or your own dreams and aspirations.

    • Contribution to an Optimised Life: Incorporating inspiration into your life story adds depth and richness to your experiences. It encourages you to pursue your passions and explore new possibilities. When you are inspired, you are more likely to persevere through adversity and find joy in your daily life. An inspired life is often a well-rounded and fulfilling one.

In summary, connecting with what drives, guides, and inspires you is a multifaceted approach to living an optimised life:

  • Your drives provide motivation and purpose, ensuring that your actions align with your core desires.

  • Your guides offer a moral and ethical framework, helping you make choices consistent with your values and principles.

  • Inspiration infuses your life with enthusiasm, creativity, and a sense of wonder, making your journey more fulfilling and enjoyable.

By integrating these elements into your life story, you create a narrative that is not only personally meaningful but also conducive to living a life that is optimised for your own well-being and happiness.

Are you ready to optimise your life story through the transformative power of kinesiology and quantum thinking? Join us on a journey of self discovery and empowerment. It’s time to rewrite your narrative, unlocking your full potential and achieiving the life you’ve always dreamed of. Embrace the synergy of kinesiology and quantum principles to optimise your story and create a future filled with health, vitality and success. Take the first step towards your optimised story today.

My Story…

Life In Balance

In our optimised life sessions, I serve as a catalyst to unlock your intuitive growth. My purpose is to assist you in rediscovering and nurturing your inner potential. I'll guide you gently through your individualised transformative process.

Together, we'll navigate your current position, we will explore your unique energy, needs, and desires, through the unique healing tools and modalities in optimised life; Kinesiology, Quantum Human Design and others, fostering profound personal growth and towards a brighter future where you are fully engaged, living with compassion, power and  wisdom, passion, purpose and fulfillment, participating in life at a vibrant, optimal level. 

Drawing upon the intuitive gifts we have available to us, and working with these beautiful healing modalities I offer a fresh perspective and insight into your life's challenges, helping you navigate them with grace and empowerment.

My mission is to inspire you to embrace change, to see it not as an obstacle but as a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey, one that leads you to a more vibrant, authentic, and fulfilled life, then I invite you to explore the world of healing and personal growth through Optimised life.

The energetic collaboration which comes from combining the modalities that Optimsied Life offers allows for profound insights and deep healing on all levels. I am constantly amazed and very grateful for Kinesiology and Quantum Human Designs ability to help us live an optimised life, Mind, Body, and Soul.

I am a Master Level Trained Practitioner across numerous healing modalities including Level 5 Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner and a Certified Level 4 Quantum Human Design Practitioner.  I am here to empower you to tap into your unique design and innate wisdom. Together, we will embark on a soulful journey of renewal, where you can fully embrace your potential and rekindle your sense of wonder and purpose in life. My purpose is centered on lovingly assisting you in this transformative process, ensuring that you rediscover your vitality and experience life's wonders with a renewed sense of wonder and fulfillment.

As a Quantum Human Design practitioner the focus is on each person learning to live, breath and interface with the cosmos in the most optimal way for them, and using the chart and deeper layered information as a tool that teaches each of us how to love ourselves and love each other better, with more respect and more honour.

Through the lens of Quantum Human Design - I am a Resource/Explorer, Time Bender, with Evolutionary (Sacral) Inner Authority, Single Definition, and an Incarnation Cross of Restoration (the Four Ways). My purpose is to guide you on a transformative experience. I would be honoured to work alongside you, helping you rediscover and restore your passion, zest, and joy in life. Together, we will tap into your unique design and innate wisdom, rekindling the spark of vitality within your being. Let us embark on this soulful journey of renewal, where you can embrace the fullness of your potential and experience life's wonders with a renewed sense of wonder and purpose.

About You…

Wouldnt you like to rekindle the flame of passion, zest, and joy in your life?. Kinesiology is a powerful tool that can identify the root cause of problems and support your body's natural ability to de-stress and heal itself. It can also unlock your cognitive potential, improve coordination, and enhance learning and behavioral outcomes.

As your kinesiology practitioner and coach, my role is to act as a facilitator in unlocking your true potential. Through the use of kinesiology or coaching, we can tap into your innate awareness and identify any limiting beliefs or negative self-talk that may be holding you back. Together, we will work to remove these barriers and help you tap into your own inner strength and wisdom. We can also work on physical, nutritional, physiology and anatomical aspects for your health and wellbeing.

Through goal setting and addressing the conscious and subconscious factors that impact your life, we will work towards creating better health and a more balanced and fulfilling experience. Whether it's improving physical health, building confidence, improving relationships, finding time for recreation and stress-free activities, or achieving a myriad of other goals, kinesiology, and coaching will guide and support you in living your most authentic life.

Kinesiology and Quantum Meta Frames coaching allow you to access the full potential that lies within you, empowering you to take on challenges and succeed in all areas of your life at a whole new level. Remember, the power, strength, and wisdom to achieve your dreams are already within you, and kinesiology and empowerment coaching can provide guidance and support to help you move forward with confidence and determination, ready to live an optimised life.

In addition to its benefits for overall health and well-being, kinesiology and empowerment coaching can also improve behaviour and learning abilities. It supports the natural growth and learning potential of the brain by organising the neural network and addressing imbalances in attention, focus, memory function, and cortical integration.

Kinesiology can be particularly beneficial for conditions such as ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and PTSD, as it gently and non-invasively, enhances your functionality and addresses survival stress, anxiety, stuck emotions, and neural confusion. Moreover, kinesiology can help you regain optimal coordination, movement, and self-regulation, allowing you to reach your highest potential, especially in addressing blockages in brain structures that regulate movement and equilibrium.

Let's work together to optimise your health, balance, and harmony in life through the transformative power of kinesiology and Quantum Holistic Empowerment through life sculpting through Quantum Human Design and other beautiful healing modalities..   Contact me today to schedule a session and start your journey toward your improved well-being.


  • Diploma of Applied Science – Nursing

  • Diploma of Kinesiology

  • Diploma of Life Coaching

  • Quantum Human Design Level 4

  • Disc Practitioner

  • Dream Therapy Practitioner

  • Emotionally Intelligent Teams Coach

  • Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner

  • Emotional Sabotage resolutions coach

  • Evolve Now Archetypal Coaching

  • Evolve Now Crystal Clear Communication

  • Evolve Now Masculine and Feminine

  • Evolve Now Matrix Therapies Coaching

  • Evolve Now Passion and Purpose

  • Evolve Now Problem Pattern Resolver

  • Evolve Now Twin Dragons Health/Wealth

  • Eye Modes Practitioner

  • Holistic Coach

  • Holistic Hypnotherapist

  • Heart Healing therapist

  • Human Design Specialist

  • Intuitive Spirit Guides

  • Gene Keys

  • Kids Coaching

  • Kids Hypnosis

  • Kinesiology Foundations Program 1-4

  • Life Architect Coach

  • Life Cycle Analysis (Human Design)

  • Master Hypnosis Coach

  • Matrix Therapies

  • Mbraining

  • Metaphysical Anatomy Practitioner

  • Advanced Chakra Awakenings Practitioner

  • Advanced Life Coach

  • ABFE (Australian Bush Flower Essences) Practitioner

  • Ayurvedic and Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner

  • Certified Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner

  • Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner

  • Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner

  • Certified Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner

  • Certified Hypnotic Communicator

  • Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

  • Certified Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner

  • Certified Coach

  • Certified Level 2 Coach

  • Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner

  • Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner

  • Conscious Hypnosis

  • Conscious Hypnosis Mastery

  • Neurophysiology Practitioner

  • NLP Master Practitioner

  • NLP Practitioner

  • NLP Trainers Training

  • Numerology Practitioner

  • Parent Coach

  • Pellowah Healing Certificate 1 & 2

  • Paediatric Hypnotist

  • Quantum Alignment System Coach

  • Quantum Meta frame Specialist

  • Quantum Human Design Level 1, 2, 3 & 4

  • Quantum Human Design Family Coaching

  • Quantum Human Design - Story Lab

  • Quantum Human Design Coach

  • Relationship Coach

  • Relationship and Family Analysis - (Human Design)

  • Sound healing

  • Soul Communication Coach

  • Source Coder - Coping and Attachment styles

  • Timeline Technique Practitioner

  • Wellness Coach

  • Animal Kinesiology Practitioner Certified

  • Member of Australian Kinesiology Association

  • Member of NLP Association of Australia

  • Member of American Association of Hypnosis

“An Optimised Life reflects the constant expansion and evolution of the universe.
By connecting to the power, compassion & wisdom within, and tapping into the energy of the cosmos, we unlock our own limitless potential and become co-creators of our destiny. ”
Janiece Humble

Ready to start the Quantum Kinesiology journey?