Intention, Attention & Manifestation

Optimised Kinesiology- Innate Body Wisdom

"Intention, attention, and manifestation pave the way to an optimised life by guiding our goals, focus, and outcomes."

Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit

"Kinesiology is more than the sum of its parts. It synergistically combines many natural - alternative health healing methods to create a powerful and effective approach to wellness.

Kinesiology's inherent holistic approach of exploring the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit empowers true self-healing by looking for the root cause of an issue, providing insight, clarity, and resolution, and promoting balance and harmony on all levels."

As your kinesiologist and coach, my mission is to help you tap into your inner wisdom and unlock your full potential for personal growth. Together, we will optimise opportunities, navigate transitions or sudden life changes with grace and ease, build your self-confidence, and achieve optimal outcomes.

One of our main focuses will be addressing and healing old emotions that may be impacting your current decisions and beliefs. By working through these emotional blockages, we can create a solid foundation for your personal development and growth. We will transition from merely coping or getting by to thriving in all areas of your life.

With the powerful combination of kinesiology and coaching, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your past experiences, leading to profound personal growth and healing. I will provide you with the tools and techniques to build inner strength, self-awareness, and resilience, guiding you toward leading a fulfilled and optimised life experience.

Together, we will work towards achieving your goals and aligning your life with true direction, passion, and purpose. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and unlock your limitless potential for personal growth and success.

Emotional benefits

  • Anxiety, trauma, and depression

  • Life changes

  • Reduction and resolution of fears and long-term stress

  • Soothes and calms the nervous system

  • Fertility and hormonal imbalances

  • Relationship issues

  • Emotional pain

  • Negative self-talk

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Grief

  • Feeling of strong emotions

  • Mood

  • Self Esteem

  • Self-Sabotage

  • Major Life Changes

  • Emotional Unease

  • Stress Management

Physical benefits

  • Chronic and muscular pain

  • Coordination

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances

  • Structural and postural misalignments

  • Optimal biochemical, tissue, and organ function

  • Energy and vitality

  • Accelerate recovery and healing

  • Weight management

  • Nutrition, food sensitivities and digestion

  • Fatigue & tiredness / Adrenal fatigue

  • Menopause

  • Fertility and hormones

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Acute and Chronic Health conditions after illness

  • Skin conditions

  • Immune imbalances

Mental benefits

  • Neurological dysfunction and learning difficulties

  • Depressive Tendencies

  • Goal manifestation

  • Spiritual clarity and growth

  • Learning difficulties

  • Anxiety

  • Stress & Confusion

  • Subconscious beliefs

  • Confidence

  • Trauma

  • Addictive behaviour

  • Find limiting patterns

  • Personal Development and Lifestyle enhancement

  • Brain Fog

  • Brain integration, concentration, and mental clarity

  • Mentoring

  • Disconnection from purpose

"Optimised Kinesiology:
"Intention is the Compass, Attention is the lantern, Manifestation is the realisation of your Inner Wisdom.

The process of intention, attention, and manifestation,

Intention is the compass that directs your path. It's the conscious choice to seek understanding, healing, and transformation within the hallowed halls of your inner library. your inner sanctuary - your body. With intention, you set your goals and aspirations, charting the course for your life's journey.

Attention is the lantern that lights your way. It's the focused awareness you bring to your exploration, sharpening your senses to decipher the subtle language of your body and emotions. Attention is the bridge between intention and manifestation, for it is in the act of attentive listening that you receive the guidance needed to make transformative changes.

Manifestation is the realisation of your inner wisdom. It's the tangible outcomes that result from your intention and attention. As you heed the whispers of your soul and receive communication from your body, you can embrace the insights garnered from energetic kinesiology, you can then align yourself with the optimised life you aspire to live.

Together, intention, attention, and manifestation pave the way to an optimised life. They guide your goals, focus, and outcomes, helping you navigate the labyrinthine corridors of your inner library with purpose and clarity. In this symbiotic journey, you become the author of your destiny, scripting a life of profound self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

What happens in a session?

In Optimised Life kinesiology and coaching sessions, we will begin by discussing your specific needs and concerns and your current life situation.  This may include any emotional, physical, or mental stress you may be experiencing. We will also examine your history to understand what has brought you to this point in your life.  Our goal is to help you identify a positive affirmation or desired outcome for yourself.  During the session, you will lie down on the therapy table while I access information from your body and nervous system.  

As we work to correct imbalances and restore your mind and body to optimal health, wellbeing, and happiness, I will explain the process and what is happening to help you gain insights into your feelings and experience.   Every session is unique and customised to your current situation, and we will work towards correcting imbalances within the various systems of your body.

To support your healing, we may use techniques such as meditation, acupressure, essential oils, sound therapy, and colour therapy. It is typically recommended to have at least three sessions in any one area in order to work towards your goals and make lasting changes.

How will I feel at the end of a session?

Most people report feeling calm and relaxed after a session, but the way in which change is experienced and when the results becomes evident can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may feel the change immediately, feeling as if a weight has been lifted off their shoulders and experiencing a clearer understanding of the issue addressed in the session. 

Depending on the session content they may feel a sense of increased energy and may experience improved immunity, better digestion and nutrient absorption, improved sleep patterns, improved posture, a greater sense of direction and purpose, mental clarity and focus, enhanced physical performance, increased self-confidence and overall happiness.  

Others may notice change occurring gradually over the course of hours, days, or even weeks. It is normal to feel uncertain about your feelings after some sessions, and this does not mean that the session was any less successful. It is possible for a session to temporarily increase feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress, but this is also normal and safe as the body and mind know what is best for you to complete the process. Sometimes, to fully clear a limiting belief or suppressed emotion, it is necessary to allow it to surface and be released. 

How many sessions will I need to have?

The number of sessions needed to address a specific issue can vary from person to person, with most people requiring one to four sessions. However, some people may only need one session, while others may choose to come on a regular or long-term basis to work through multiple issues. The frequency and duration of treatment will depend on your needs and goals.  

It is recommended that you commit to at least three kinesiology sessions to allow for the effects of the balance to be noticed. It is expected that you will notice a change brought about by kinesiology after three sessions, although some people may experience noticeable or subtle shifts from the initial session, or it may take longer for you to experience a change.

Some conditions and presenting problems may require a longer period to resolve or may help emotionally but not resolve the physical issue of disease. Due to its nature, kinesiology can potentially work with anything, but it may not work according to a particular timeframe, pathway, or outcome.

What is Muscle Monitoring?

Muscle monitoring is a non-invasive technique that involves evaluating the body's neurological responses to gather information about imbalances and determine the appropriate course of action for addressing them. It is a useful tool for identifying and addressing imbalances within the body.

How does muscle monitoring work?

Muscle monitoring involves using the body's biofeedback loop to access information. This process involves sending information back and forth between the muscle, through the motor command nerve, and the brain, through the sensory nerve. By using muscle testing, we can effectively identify imbalances in organs, meridians, chakras, body structures, and nutrition, and determine solutions for clearing energetic blockages and imbalances or stress. It can also be used to test the body's response to herbs, vitamins, minerals, medications, and other remedies.

Masculine able to utilise feminine wisdom and understanding

Representation of Masculine

Feminine able to step into masculine strength and endurance

Representation of Balanced Anima and Animus

Representation of Feminine

A brief History of Kinesiology

Energetic Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health and wellness that uses muscle testing and other techniques to identify and address imbalances in the body's energy system. The origins of Energetic Kinesiology can be traced back to the work of Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor who developed a technique called Applied Kinesiology in the 1960s.

Dr. Goodheart observed that certain muscles in the body were associated with specific organs and systems, and that weakness or strength in these muscles could indicate underlying health issues. He developed a system of muscle testing that involved applying pressure to specific muscles while asking the patient to resist. The strength or weakness of the muscle would provide information about the health and function of the associated organ or system.

In the 1970s, John F. Thie, a student of Dr. Goodheart, developed a simplified version of Applied Kinesiology called Touch for Health. This system focused on using muscle testing to identify and correct imbalances in the body's energy system, using techniques such as acupressure, nutrition, and emotional release.

Charles Krebs a biologist and educator developed kinesiology further. He is the founder of the LEAP Learning Program, which is a training program for health professionals that combines Energy Kinesiology, acupuncture theory, and nutrition to help clients overcome health challenges.

In the early 1990s, Krebs developed a new approach to Energy Kinesiology called the Three In One Concepts, which integrates techniques from Touch for Health, Applied Kinesiology, and Chinese medicine. This approach focuses on identifying and balancing emotional stressors that may be affecting a client's health and well-being.

Krebs has also conducted research on the effectiveness of Energy Kinesiology techniques, including a study on the effects of a specific technique on brain wave patterns. His work has helped to expand the understanding and acceptance of Energy Kinesiology as a legitimate complementary therapy for improving health and well-being. From this foundation, Energetic Kinesiology evolved as a broader approach that incorporates techniques from various holistic modalities, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy. Practitioners of Energetic Kinesiology use muscle testing and other techniques to identify imbalances in the body's energy system and develop a personalised treatment plan to address these imbalances. This may include techniques such as acupressure, energy work, emotional release, and lifestyle changes.

Today, Energetic Kinesiology is recognised as a complementary therapy that can be used alongside conventional medical treatments to support overall health and well-being.

How do Distance Healing appointments work?

Even though we may be physically far apart, our connection through kinesiology is able to transcend distance. Online appointments are similar to in-person appointments, with the main difference being that I will be muscle-testing myself rather than working directly with your physical body while focusing on your energy. During the session, I will guide you through various processes to help you connect with your body, and will be in constant visual and verbal communication until the end of the session. Despite being conducted remotely, the results of an online appointment can be just as powerful and effective as an in-person appointment.

Optimised Life Card Insights

Optimum Vision Cards are a remarkable addition to our signature Optimised Life Kinesiology sessions, offering an unparalleled dimension of depth and insight that is entirely unique to our approach.

In the realm of Optimised Life Kinesiology, we've always strived to provide our clients with personalised guidance and transformative experiences. With the introduction of these intriguing Optimised Life insight cards, we take our sessions to a whole new level.

The Optimum Vision Cards act as a powerful tool for self-discovery and inner exploration, seamlessly integrating with the principles of kinesiology. These cards serve as a bridge between your physical and spiritual dimensions, allowing us to tap into the profound energy and wisdom that reside within you.

What makes this offering truly signature to Optimised Life is the fusion of ancient wisdom, sacred knowledge, and universal insights woven into each card. This harmonious blend aligns perfectly with our holistic approach, enhancing our ability to uncover the underlying issues, patterns, and energies affecting your well-being.

Furthermore, our exclusive sessions with these cards provide an experience like no other. It's not just about receiving answers; it's about actively participating in your own transformation. Through kinesiology we will guide you through the process, ensuring that you not only gain clarity on your life's circumstances but also acquire the tools to make informed choices and steer your life in a direction that aligns with your true purpose.

In essence, the Optimum Vision Cards are a testament to our commitment to offering innovative and holistic solutions in the realm of Optimised Life Kinesiology. They amplify the potency of our sessions, making them an extraordinary and signature experience that empowers you to live your life to its fullest potential. Your journey towards a more vibrant, balanced, and optimised life begins here, with the remarkable fusion of kinesiology and these insightful cards. They can also be used for readings.

Optimised Lifes Energetic Kinesiology Sessions available

Opti Flow kinesiology for health, autoimmune and chronic conditions and dis- ease in body, addressing general health , hormones , reproductive and physical body

Opti Zest Kinesiology to become more engaged in your purpose, passion and fulfillment in life

Opti Thrive Kinesiology Coaching - for evolution and life impact towards goals, personal outcomes and achievements

Opti Quantum Human Design Kinesiology - for the deep personal insights which comes from kinesiology and quantum human design system

Opti mystic - Chakra alignment to come back into balance

Opti -Mum (/Dad) Kinesiology - for parenting physical and emotional well being

Opti Nurture Kids Kinesiology to help our kids live their best lives

Opti -Generational Lineage - for gentle clearing of patterns that may be re-occuring in families through the generations

Opti-Transitions - to find peace, insight and joy again - transition resilience for life’s expected and not so expected and unexpected changes

Opti Me-Time Kinesiology for rest, rejuvenation and self care

Opti Stress Relief Kinesiology - for decompression, de stressing and insights

Opti -Source Code Kinesiology - for adaptive strategies for dealing with patterns which are impacting our lives unconsciously and may no longer be serving us

Optimised-Embodied Kinesiology /(Penta Wisdoms or Mbraining Kinesiology) - unlocking a deeper understanding of yourself and fostering integrated wisdom

Opti-Life Alchemising Kinesiology / Matrix Kinesiology - For becoming free and liberated Optimised Beliefs, strategies and empowerment

Optimising-Ancient Wisdom Kinesiology - utilising the wisdoms passed through the ages, special rites, knowledge and rituals for optimal outcomes

Optimised Mums and Bubs Kinesiology - Nurturing those special bonds between mother and baby /child through kinesiology

Opti Beliefs Kinesiology Clearing Limiting beliefs allowing progress and empowered thoughts, beliefs and actions


Opti-paws for emotional matters relating to pets and pet owners

Opti Metaphysical Anatomy Technique Kinesiology Embark on a transformative journey of self-exploration, emotional release, and holistic empowerment, fostering a path to profound balance and wellness.

Opti Womens Wellness Kinesiology for Kinesiology dedicated to women’s health issues for all stages of life

"Energetic Kinesiology provides a unique perspective that considers not only the body's physical structure but also the energy patterns within and around it. By addressing imbalances on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and energetic—we can truly support the body's natural healing processes." - Charles Krebbs.

“If we do not work on all three levels - body, feeling, mind - the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in its cells until it is finally listened to and understood.” - Alice Miller - Author of the ‘Drama of the gifted child.’

Ready to start the Kinesiology

Life Optimising journey?