Harness Hidden Potential

Optimised Hypnosis

"Hypnosis empowers by tapping into the subconscious mind, helps overcome challenges, alleviate stress, improve confidence, and enhance personal growth.

How harnessing hidden potential through hypnosis can lead to living an optimised life:

  1. Harnessing Hidden Potential:

    • Identifying Unconscious Blocks: Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind, where hidden potential often lies dormant. Through hypnotherapy, you can identify and address limiting beliefs, fears, and past traumas that may be holding you back.

    • Unlocking Talents and Abilities: Hypnosis can help you tap into latent talents, skills, and abilities that you may not even be aware of. It can bring to the surface your creative, intuitive, and problem-solving capacities, allowing you to maximize your potential.

    • Self-Discovery: Hypnotherapy sessions often involve introspective journeys, helping you discover more about your true self, passions, and purpose. This self-discovery is a crucial step in harnessing hidden potential.

  2. Living Your Optimized Life:

    • Alignment with Goals: Hypnosis can be used to align your subconscious mind with your goals and intentions. By rewiring your thought patterns and beliefs, you can create a mental environment that supports your vision for an optimised life.

    • Boosting Confidence: Hypnotherapy can enhance self-confidence and self-esteem, giving you the belief that you have what it takes to pursue your goals and make the most of your potential.

    • Stress Reduction: Hypnosis can help reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that can hinder your ability to access and utilise your hidden potential. A calmer mind is more receptive to positive change.

  3. Through Hypnosis:

    • Visualization: Hypnosis often involves guided visualisation exercises that allow you to vividly imagine yourself living your optimised life. This helps create a mental blueprint that your subconscious mind can work toward manifesting.

    • Positive Affirmations: Optimised Hypnotherapy sessions incorporate positive affirmations that reinforce your belief in your potential and your ability to achieve your goals. Repetition of these affirmations can be powerful in reshaping your self-perception.

    • Behavioral Change: Hypnosis can be used to address specific behaviors or habits that may be hindering your progress. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can replace detrimental or self sabotaging behaviours with more constructive ones.

In summary, harnessing hidden potential through hypnosis is a transformative journey that involves unlocking your latent abilities, addressing unconscious barriers, and aligning your mind with your optimised life goals. By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-realisation, ultimately leading to a life that is more aligned with your true potential and aspirations.

The Optimised Hypnosis three pillar difference - mesmeric, sublime, centered

Experience the enchantment of holistic hypnotherapy on your subconscious; Empower your inner healer, and discover inner harmony through holistic hypnotherapy. The power of the mind takes centre stage in this transformative journey, where we explore the three pillars that define the extraordinary experience of Optimised holistic hypnosis.

 The First Pillar of Optimised Hypnosis

Mesmeric: "Mesmeric" serves as the foundational pillar of optimised hypnosis, capturing the captivating and trance-like state that initiates this transformative journey. In holistic hypnosis, the subconscious mind willingly aligns with your deepest desires and intentions during this mesmerizing phase. This profound inward focus creates an environment for empowering ideas to flourish, setting the stage for a transformative experience where you are highly responsive to suggestions working exclusively in your favour.  This captivating voyage draws your focus inward, where new, mesmeric ideas are planted, blossoming and reshaping your inner world.

 The Second Pillar of Optimised Hypnosis

Sublime:  The concept of "sublime" stands as the second pillar of optimised hypnosis because it embodies the extraordinary nature of the hypnosis experience. Hypnosis, when done optimally, offers a journey that transcends the ordinary, propelling you into a state of mind that is not just awe-inspiring but transformational. It's a process where you can access deeper layers of your subconscious, leading to profound insights and shifts in mindset. "Sublime" encapsulates the idea that hypnosis has the potential to elevate one's consciousness, break free from limitations, and create positive, life-altering changes. This pillar reminds us that hypnosis is not just a tool; it's a gateway to an exceptional, profound, and empowering experience.

 The Third Pillar of Optimised Hypnosis

Centered: The third pillar, represents a crucial phase in this transformative journey. When under hypnosis, you are often encouraged to focus your attention and thoughts on specific ideas or suggestions. "Centered" implies that during hypnosis, you can achieve a state of inner balance and concentration, making it easier to address specific goals or concerns. "Centered" signifies achieving a state of inner balance and concentration, making it easier to address specific goals or concerns with precision and clarity.   

These three pillars collectively describe the profound and transformative qualities that can be associated with the experience of optimised holistic hypnosis.

Are you ready to unlock the mesmerizing potential of your mind, embrace the sublime journey of self-discovery, and become centered in your own life's best narrative?

Take the first step towards a more profound understanding of yourself and book today.

  Stress Benefits  

  • Calming effect

  • Improved sleep

  • Boosted mood

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Enhanced immune system

  • Improved digestion

Holistic Hypnosis sessions available

Paediatric Hypnosis sessions are available

 Physical Benefits   

  • Pain management

  • Boosted immune system

  • Improved sleep

  • Lowered blood pressure

  • Accelerated healing

  • Reduced inflammation

Personal Growth      

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Greater self-understanding

  • Improved self-esteem

  • Enhanced interpersonal relationships

  • More effective goal-setting

  • Greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

What happens in a session?

In a hypnotherapy session, the client is guided into a state of deep relaxation and focus, known as a trance state.  Using hypnotherapy we will then use a variety of techniques to help the client access their subconscious mind, where beliefs, habits, and emotions are stored.

During this state, the client is more receptive to suggestions and may be able to make positive changes in their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. During the hypnotherapy session we may use techniques such as visualisation, guided imagery, or positive affirmations to help the client achieve their desired outcome.

How many sessions will I need to have?

The number of hypnotherapy sessions you may need can vary depending on your unique circumstances and the issue being addressed, and the progress being made during each session. In some cases, a single session may be sufficient to achieve the desired results, while in other cases, several sessions may be needed. The hypnotherapy treatment plan will be a customised plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. It's important to keep in mind that hypnotherapy is not a quick fix and may require ongoing sessions to achieve long-lasting results.

What are some important facts about hypnotherapy ?

Here are some important facts about hypnotherapy:

  1. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and focused attention in order to achieve therapeutic results.

  2. Hypnotherapy has been used to treat a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, and chronic pain.

  3. Hypnotherapy is considered safe, non-invasive, and non-addictive.

  4. Hypnotherapy sessions typically last between 60-90 minutes.

  5. During a hypnotherapy session, you will be guided into a state of relaxation and then made suggestions to in order to help you achieve your therapeutic goals.

  6. Hypnotherapy can be conducted in person or online, energy is able to cross distances virtually and online hypnotherapy sessions are very effective.

  7. Hypnotherapy is often used in combination with other forms of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to achieve optimal results.

  8. Hypnotherapy is not a form of mind control and cannot make you do anything against your will.

History of hypnotherapy in holistic health

Hypnotherapy has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries. Ancient healers and shamans used hypnotic techniques to induce altered states of consciousness, which were believed to facilitate healing and spiritual growth.

In the modern era, hypnotherapy was developed as a distinct field of study by Franz Mesmer, an Austrian physician, in the late 18th century. Mesmer believed that hypnosis could cure a wide range of medical conditions, including pain, paralysis, and even blindness. While many of Mesmer's claims were later debunked, his work helped to establish hypnotherapy as a legitimate form of therapy.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, hypnotherapy continued to gain popularity as a form of complementary medicine. Some of the earliest proponents of hypnotherapy included James Braid, a Scottish surgeon who coined the term "hypnosis," and Émile Coué, a French pharmacist who developed a method of self-hypnosis known as "autosuggestion."

In the mid-20th century, hypnotherapy became more widely accepted in the medical community. The American Medical Association recognised hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment in 1958, and the American Psychological Association followed suit in 1960.

Today, hypnotherapy is often used as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is commonly used to treat anxiety, phobias, and other mental health conditions, as well as to manage pain and promote relaxation. Hypnotherapy is also used to help people quit smoking, lose weight, and improve their sleep.

How will I feel at the end of a session?

After the session, the client may feel relaxed, energized, or both. It's important to note that the client is always in control during the session and can choose to end the trance state at any time.

Holistic Hypnotherapy Sessions available for

Holistic Hypnosis

Health Hypnosis - weight loss, smoking, pain relief

Paediatric Hypnosis

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes." - William James

Ready to start the Holistic Hypnotherapy journey?