Enhance Pet Vitality

Optimised Pet Kinesiology

"Empowering pets’ communication & gently nurturing & enriching pets' well-being.”

"Energetic kinesiology is a powerful tool for healing animals because it helps us identify and treat imbalances in their energy systems before they manifest as physical symptoms. By restoring balance to the body's energy flow, we can help animals achieve optimal health and well-being." - Dr Allen Schoen, A veterinarian and pioneer in the field of integrative veterinary medicine.

“Therapy can be incredibly beneficial for animals who have experienced trauma, anxiety, or other emotional issues. By working with a skilled therapist or practitioner, we can help animals heal from the inside out and achieve a greater sense of calm and balance in their lives." - Cesar Millan - A “Dog Whisperer”

Animal Energetic Kinesiology is a holistic approach to animal health that uses muscle testing to evaluate and balance the animal's energy systems. This therapy is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and incorporates techniques from other modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutrition.

Animals are incredibly receptive to energy healing of all kinds, and many people believe that this is due to their intuitive and sensitive nature. Their pure souls and in-the-moment presence make them excellent candidates for Animal Energetic Kinesiology. During a session, information is gathered from muscle testing to evaluate the animal's energy flow and identify any imbalances or blockages. These imbalances may be caused by physical, emotional, or environmental stressors.

As the practitioner works to restore balance to the animal's energy systems, various techniques are used such as acupressure, chiropractic adjustments, and nutritional recommendations. Animal Energetic Kinesiology can be used to address a wide range of issues, including behavioral problems, chronic pain, digestive issues, allergies, and more. It is a non-invasive and gentle therapy that can be used alongside conventional veterinary care, and it aims to promote overall well-being for the animal

Holistic Kinesiology For Pets

Emotional benefits

  • Anxiety, trauma, and depression

  • Life changes

  • Reduction and resolution of fears and long-term stress

  • Soothes and calms the nervous system

  • Fertility and hormonal imbalances

  • Relationship issues

  • Emotional pain

  • Negative self-talk

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Grief

  • Feeling of strong emotions

  • Mood

  • Self Esteem

  • Self-Sabotage

  • Major Life Changes

  • Emotional Unease

  • Stress Management

Physical benefits

  • Chronic and muscular pain

  • Coordination

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances

  • Structural and postural misalignments

  • Optimal biochemical, tissue, and organ function

  • Energy and vitality

  • Accelerate recovery and healing

  • Weight management

  • Nutrition, food sensitivities and digestion

  • Fatigue & tiredness / Adrenal fatigue

  • Menopause

  • Fertility and hormones

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Acute and Chronic Health conditions after illness

  • Skin conditions

  • Immune imbalances

Mental benefits

  • Neurological dysfunction and learning difficulties

  • Depressive Tendencies

  • Goal manifestation

  • Spiritual clarity and growth

  • Learning difficulties

  • Anxiety

  • Stress & Confusion

  • Subconscious beliefs

  • Confidence

  • Trauma

  • Addictive behaviour

  • Find limiting patterns

  • Personal Development and Lifestyle enhancement

  • Brain Fog

  • Brain integration, concentration, and mental clarity

  • Mentoring

  • Disconnection from purpose

What happens in a session?

In Optimised Life kinesiology and coaching sessions, we will begin by discussing your specific needs and concerns and your current life situation and what is happening with your pet.  This may include any emotional, physical, or mental stress your animal or pet may be experiencing. We will also examine your pets or animals history to understand what has occurred and gain some insight from this..  Our goal is to help your animal have positive behaviour, reduced pain or less anxiety for example depending on the presenting issues.   

I will work to correct imbalances and restore your animals or pets  mind and body to optimal health, wellbeing, and happiness, I will explain the process and what is happening to help you gain insights from the experience at the end of the session as it is important to act with the animals energies during the balance..   Every session is unique and customised ,

To support your animal or pets healing, we may use techniques such as flower essences or give nutritional or physical advice. . It is typically recommended to have at least three sessions in any one area in order to work towards your goals and make lasting changes for your pet.

How many sessions will I or my pet need to have?

jThe number of sessions required to address a specific issue can vary greatly, both for humans and animals. While most individuals may find one to four sessions to be sufficient, others may require a different approach. In some cases, a single session may be all that is needed, while others may benefit from ongoing treatment over a longer period of time. Ultimately, the frequency and duration of treatment will depend on the individual needs and goals of both you and your pet.

To truly experience the effects of kinesiology, it is recommended that you commit to at least three sessions. This allows for the balance to take effect and for you to notice the changes that it brings about. While some people may experience noticeable or subtle shifts in their animal's behavior or physical health after the initial session, others may require more time to see the desired results.

It is worth noting that some conditions and presenting problems may require a longer period of time to resolve, or may only provide emotional relief without fully resolving the underlying physical issue. However, because kinesiology has the potential to work with anything, there is always the possibility of improvement. It is important to understand that kinesiology does not necessarily follow a specific timeframe, pathway, or outcome, but rather works in a way that is unique to each individual and animal.

The caring nature of our pets

Our pets have an incredible ability to connect with us and an extraordinary ability to understand us on an emotional and energetic level.. They sense our moods, emotions, and physical pain, often mirroring them back to us, trying to relieve us of the illness or pain we are experiencing .by taking on the energy themselves.

This bond between us and our pets can be incredibly healing, and it's important that we care for their emotional and physical needs in return. Sometimes, however, even with the best intentions, emotions can get "stuck" in their energy field or physical body, leading to blockages and imbalances.

This is where kinesiology can be incredibly beneficial for animals. By using muscle testing to access the animal's subconscious mind and energy field, kinesiology can identify and clear any blockages, restoring balance and promoting overall well being. Kinesiology can be particularly helpful for animals who have experienced trauma, behavioral issues, or physical pain.

In addition to kinesiology, we can also provide our pets with physical care through energy work. Animals have chakras, or energy centers, throughout their bodies, just like humans. Techniques such as meridian release, acupressure, or energetic flower essences and chakra clearing can help balance and restore their energy flow, promoting healing and overall well being.

Communicating with our pets is also crucial. By being open and honest about our emotions, we can help them understand what we are going through and relieve them of any emotional burden they may be carrying. This can help ensure that they don't hold onto our emotions and become imbalanced themselves.,

Our pets give us boundless love and support, and it is both our responsibility and our privilege as animal owners to care for them in every way we can. By nurturing our connection with them and providing them with the care they need, including kinesiology, we can help ensure that they live happy and healthy lives by our side.

Horses, Cats and Dogs LOVE to give in their own Special way. They also LOVE receiving a good chakra balance. and some TLC themselves. Opti - Mystic Chakra Sessions are also available for pets at Optimised Life

How does Animal Kinesiology Help?

Through Animal Kinesiology we find the blockages that are present and work with these.  If on the physical body the healing could go through or down this path

How does it work on my pets physical body? 


  1. Initiating Relaxation: An energy therapy session sets the stage by initiating a deep relaxation response in the pet.

  2. Releasing Endorphins: This relaxation prompts the brain to release endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones.

  3. Muscle Relaxation: Endorphins have a soothing effect on muscles, allowing them to relax fully.

  4. Enhanced Circulation: Relaxed muscles create more space between cells, facilitating improved blood circulation.

  5. Oxygen Boost: Increased blood flow elevates oxygen levels throughout the pet's body, vital for overall health.

  6. Efficient Nutrient Absorption: Accelerated blood flow enables the efficient absorption of essential nutrients.

  7. Digestive Enzymes: Enzyme production increases, contributing to proper digestion.

  8. Hormonal Balance: Hormones naturally regulate, fortifying the pet's overall constitution.

  9. Detoxification: Toxins are released from the body, further promoting well-being.

  10. Cell Regeneration: Healthy cells begin to regenerate, aiding in the healing process.

  11. Establishing Well-Being: A sense of well-being is established within the pet, fostering a healing environment.

  12. Immune System Regulation: Finally, a stable physiological state supports the regulation of the immune system. This stability ripples through the pet's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects, empowering self-healing.

Animal Kinesiology also addresses mental, spiritual and emotional factors affecting or impacting on your pet. We can work to dissolve blockages and promote harmony. Your pet may wish to addresses stress, behaviour and or anxiety to helps promote understanding and bring more insight to that area. Animal kinesiology gives them a voice and the ability to communicate to you. Animal Kinesiology in a gentle and natural way, can profoundly benefit pets by promoting relaxation, restoring balance, and optimising the body's inherent healing capabilities.

Illness, anxiety or discomfort in our pets and how Kinesiology can help

When animals have an injury or illness, kinesiology can help by identifying any underlying emotional or energetic imbalances that may be contributing to the condition. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to access the animal's subconscious mind and energy field, and by doing so, can help identify the root cause of the issue.

For example, an animal with a physical injury may also have an emotional blockage that is preventing them from healing fully. Through kinesiology, we can identify this blockage and work to clear it, allowing the animal's body to fully heal both physically and emotionally.

Kinesiology can also be beneficial for animals with chronic conditions, such as allergies or digestive issues. By identifying the underlying imbalances contributing to the condition, kinesiology can help restore balance to the animal's body and promote overall wellness.

Kinesiology utilises aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy work techniques such as acupressure, meridian release, and other means such as energetic flower essences can also be used to help support the animal's physical healing process.

Kinesiology is a powerful tool to enhance healing and wellbeing in animals when used alongside veterinary care. Veterinary care is essential for diagnosing and treating medical conditions in animals, kinesiology can support and complement this care.

Kinesiology can help identify and clear any blockages in the animal's energy field or physical body, promoting balance and restoring the body's natural healing abilities. When used in unison with veterinary care, kinesiology can enhance the healing process, leading to faster and more complete recovery from injuries or illnesses.

It's important to note that kinesiology is not a replacement for veterinary care. Serious medical conditions require diagnosis and treatment from a licensed veterinarian. However, kinesiology can be used in conjunction with veterinary care to enhance the healing process and promote overall well being in animals.

By combining the best of both worlds, animal owners can provide their pets with a holistic approach to health and healing, ensuring that they receive the care they need both physically and energetically. This can lead to happier, healthier lives for our animal companions, who give us so much love and support in return.

What is an online appointment and how does it work to work on my pet?

Even though we may be physically far apart, our connection through kinesiology is able to transcend distance. Online appointments are similar to in-person appointments, with the main difference being that I will be muscle-testing myself rather than working directly with your physical body, or your pets, while focusing on your pets energy. During the session, I will collect information and give you all the information at the end of the session to keep the connection strong with the pets energy throughout the balance. Through the balance I will use various processes to help your pet better connect back to his or herself and to feel whole again, with less scattered energy. Despite being conducted remotely, the results of an online appointment can be just as powerful and effective as an in-person appointment as energy is not bound in anyway - and it is all about energy, frequency and vibration.

'“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

Do I need to have my pet physically present?

Surrogating in remote kinesiology sessions is a technique used to test the energy of an animal or person who is not physically present during the session. The surrogate is typically a person who is energetically connected to the animal or person being tested, such as their owner or caregiver.  The Therapist can also act as the surrogate by using a photo of the animal that is supplied by the owner or care giver.

During the session, If you wish to be the surrogate for the pet and are physically or remotely present, I will you to stand-in for the animal or person being tested. I will then perform muscle testing and run the balance as normal with the person acting as the surrogate for the animal or the other person who is to receive the healing energies., using the surrogates own body as a surrogate for the animal or other person.

Surrogating in remote kinesiology sessions enables a strong energetic connection between the surrogate and the animal or person being tested. The surrogate can tune into the energy of the animal or person and accurately reflect their energy patterns during the session.

Surrogating is a highly effective way to conduct kinesiology sessions remotely.

We check the person who is going to act as surrogate for their own status first to ensure that they are balanced at the beginning of the surrogate session to act as an energetic substitute for the animal or person and to receive accurate information for them.

At the end of the session after the information has been gathered for the animal or person not present, we ensure that the surrogate is energetically themselves again by kinesiology techniques.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Ready to start the Kinesiology for Animals journey?