Conscious Choice Catalyst

Blue Print Brilliance - Unravelling Quantum Human Design wisdom for Personal Empowerment

“Aligning your understanding & choices with a deeper, intrinsic code or framework that empowers self-discovery.”

What is Human Design

Human Design serves as the catalyst for making conscious choices based on your unique design, leading to quantum alignment and an optimised life experience. It empowers you to understand your intrinsic code, align with your true self, and make decisions that resonate with your authentic nature, ultimately enhancing every aspect of your life.

Human Design is a modern system of self-discovery and personal growth that was introduced by Ra Uru Hu (born Robert Allan Krakower) in the late 20th century, specifically in the 1980s. It combines elements from various spiritual and scientific disciplines, aiming to provide individuals with a unique blueprint of their energetic makeup and life purpose.

The origin of Human Design is attributed to a mystical experience that Ra Uru Hu had in January 1987 in Ibiza, Spain.

The system itself draws from a diverse range of sources, including:

  1. Astrology: Human Design incorporates astrological principles, such as the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth, to provide insights into personality traits and life experiences.

  2. I Ching: The I Ching, an ancient Chinese divination text, contributes to the Human Design system by providing a framework for understanding the binary code used in Human Design charts.

  3. Kabbalah: Elements of Kabbalistic teachings are integrated into Human Design to offer spiritual insights and connections.

  4. Chakra System: Human Design includes a system of energy centers similar to the chakras in Eastern traditions. These centers play a role in determining an individual's unique energy configuration.

  5. Quantum Physics: Concepts from quantum physics are used to explain the mechanics of energy and how it influences human behaviour and decision-making.

Human Design is used as a means of understanding ourselves better, making life choices in alignment with our true nature, and navigating our personal journeys. It is a truly insightful way to evolve and adapt and to use for personal transformation and empowerment.

In Human Design, the concepts of "Personality" (Soul Purpose) and "Design" (Life Purpose) refer to two distinct aspects of your makeup, and they play different but complementary roles in understanding oneself and making life decisions. Here's a breakdown of the distinctions and how each aspect can be helpful:

Personality (Soul Purpose):

  • Conscious Self: The Personality side represents the conscious aspects of yourself. It is calculated at the moment of birth and is often what people identify with as their personality. It reflects who you think you are consciously.

  • Character Traits: Personality characteristics are traits, qualities, and tendencies that you are aware of and can relate to. These traits shape how you perceive yourself and how you interact with the world.

  • Purpose: The Personality aspect can provide insights into your soul purpose. It helps you understand your conscious path, your unique gifts, and your role in this lifetime.

  • Decision-Making: It can guide your decision-making by aligning your choices with your conscious awareness and understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.

Design (Life Purpose):

  • Unconscious Self: The Design side represents the unconscious aspects of yourself. It is calculated 88 days before birth, reflecting your body's intelligence and unconscious characteristics.

  • Biogenetic Inheritance: Your Design reveals the nature of your unconscious biogenetic inheritance, which includes characteristics and qualities that are often hidden from your conscious awareness.

  • Relationship with Others: Your Design also shows how you interact with others and how you can best complement and be complemented by others in terms of energy dynamics.

  • Decision-Making: While Personality is often considered the decision-maker, the Design aspect can provide valuable insights when you're making choices from a place of inner authority and following your natural flow of energy.

How They Both Help Us:

  • Self-Understanding: Both Personality and Design contribute to a deeper self-understanding. Personality helps you understand your conscious self, while Design reveals the unconscious elements. This comprehensive view allows you to embrace your whole self.

  • Decision-Making: The insights from both aspects can inform your decision-making process. You can make choices that align with your conscious self (Personality) and also take into account the unconscious energies (Design) that influence your experiences.

  • Alignment: By understanding both Personality and Design, you can align your life with your true nature, making choices that resonate with your core essence and natural tendencies.

  • Relationships: Human Design is valuable for understanding not only yourself but also how you interact with others. It can improve your relationships by recognising compatibility and potential areas of tension.

  • Growth: Human Design provides a roadmap for personal growth and development. It helps you recognise areas for improvement and personal evolution, whether in your conscious or unconscious aspects.

Personality (Soul Purpose) and Design (Life Purpose) in Human Design offer a holistic view of an individual's self. They help you understand your conscious and unconscious traits, make informed decisions, align with your true nature, improve relationships, and support your personal growth journey. By integrating insights from both aspects, you can lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

How do optimised Quantum Human design sessions help

Optimised Quantum Human Design Helps us by:

  • Cultivating Clarity: Human Design serves as a tool or process for developing a clear understanding of oneself and one's life path. By delving into Human Design, we can gain insights that help us see ourselves and our purpose more clearly.

  • Human Design's Compass: A compass provides direction and guidance. Human Design is seen as a navigational tool that helps us find our way in life. It helps us make decisions, understand ourselves, and find our path.

  • Conscious Choice: Human Design empowers us to make conscious and informed choices. By using Human Design insights, we can make decisions that align with our true selves and purpose, rather than acting on autopilot or external influences.

  • Complete Self-Comprehension: Human Design provides a comprehensive understanding of oneself. It doesn't just touch on one aspect but delves into both conscious (Personality) and unconscious (Design) elements, leading to a fuller self-awareness.

  • Cosmic Compatibility: Human Design helps us understand not only ourselves but also our compatibility with the wider universe or the energies around us. By understanding one's Human Design, we can better navigate our interactions with others and the world.

Human Design is a tool that brings clarity and understanding to our life. It serves as a guiding compass for making conscious choices, comprehending the self holistically, and harmonising with the cosmic energies around us.

Human Design is a versatile system that combines ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding to offer a profound journey of self-discovery. By delving into the intricacies of your unique design, you gain a deep understanding of who you are at your core and the path that aligns with your true self. This self-awareness becomes a compass, guiding you to make conscious choices that can lead to an optimised life experience.

Unlock the full potential of your life journey by booking a Human Design session today. Discover the hidden facets of your personality, uncover your life's purpose, and harmonise with the universe's energies. It's a transformative experience that empowers you to live a life that resonates with your authentic self.

Take the first step towards optimisation and self-fulfillment. Book now to embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Your optimised life awaits!

"The most powerful thing that we can do is to live our design, to live who we are, and to do that correctly." - Ra Uru Hu