Enlightenment, Transformation, Empowerment


Enlightenment serves as the catalyst for transformation, which, in turn, empowers us to shape a more meaningful & fulfilling life journey

Optimising your life means being your own hero

  1. Enlightening: Refers to the process of gaining insight, understanding, or knowledge that brings clarity and a deeper awareness of a subject, situation, or oneself. It often involves the illumination of previously hidden or unknown aspects, leading to personal growth and expanded consciousness.

  2. Transformative: The quality of bringing about significant and fundamental change. It refers to actions, experiences, or processes that have the power to completely alter one's perspective, behaviour, or circumstances, often leading to a more evolved or improved state.

  3. Empowering: The act of gaining authority, confidence, and ability to take control of your lives, make choices, and achieve your goals. It involves fostering self-belief, autonomy, and a sense of personal agency, enabling you to overcome challenges and realise your potential.

Rose Compass

A "rose compass" is an elegant guide to cardinal and intermediate directions.

The word "rose" here doesn't refer to the flower but rather to the radial symmetry and pattern that the compass rose exhibits. It is a convenient and visual way to indicate direction and is commonly used in maps, navigation charts, and various applications where directional information is essential. A typical rose compass consists of a circular design with a central point representing the current location or center of the map. Radiating lines or spokes extend outward from the central point, dividing the circle into segments. Each segment corresponds to a specific direction, with the cardinal points typically marked as N for north, E for east, S for south, and W for west. The intermediate directions may also be labeled.

Rose compasses have been used for centuries as aids in navigation, and they continue to be used in modern maps and cartography to provide a visual reference for cardinal and intermediate directions. In optimised life, we can also see it as the beauty of our soul’s journey, and give us perspective on how others may also be navigating through life with different paths and different destinations and different realisations to reach.

Living your life in an empowered way means living using all of the information unique to you and all the tools that you have to plot your way with the greatest insight for your unique optimised experience.

How does having all points of a compass covered help us live our best souls journey

Using a compass with all 32 points covered can be seen as a metaphor for living one's best soul's journey in several ways:

  1. Precision and Clarity: Just as having a highly detailed compass rose provides more precise orientation, having a clear sense of direction in life can lead to better decision-making and a more focused path. It allows you to navigate your life journey with a deeper understanding of your goals and aspirations.

  2. Comprehensive Exploration: A compass with 32 points encourages exploration in all directions, ensuring that you consider various possibilities and opportunities in your life journey. It promotes a well-rounded and balanced approach to personal growth and fulfillment.

  3. Flexibility and Adaptability: With a comprehensive compass, you can make more nuanced adjustments to your course as circumstances change. This adaptability is crucial for navigating life's challenges and setbacks while staying true to one's inner values and purpose.

  4. Holistic Self-Discovery: The 32-point compass suggests that self-discovery is not limited to a few cardinal directions but encompasses a wide range of experiences and facets of life. It encourages you to explore your passions, talents, and interests in a holistic way, helping you lead a more fulfilling life.

  5. Embracing the Journey: Just as each point on the compass is a part of the whole, every experience, whether positive or challenging, contributes to one's life journey. A comprehensive approach to life allows you to embrace the journey in its entirety, finding meaning and growth in every direction you choose to explore.

Ultimately, the concept of having all points of a compass covered emphasises the importance of being open to diverse experiences, maintaining clarity in one's direction, and adapting to the changing landscape of life in pursuit of a fulfilling and purpose-driven journey.

what are the 32 points

A compass with 32 points provides a more detailed and precise way of specifying directions compared to a standard 8 or 16-point compass rose. Here are the 32 points:

Each of these points represents a specific azimuth or direction, providing a more precise way to describe heading and orientation, which gives greater direction and in life can be giving greater perspective.

The Hero's Journey is a narrative framework and storytelling archetype that was first introduced by Joseph Campbell, a renowned American mythologist and writer. He first introduced this idea in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." This concept outlines a common pattern found in many myths, legends, and stories throughout history. The Hero's Journey consists of several distinct stages that a protagonist typically goes through on their quest for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

  1. The Call to Adventure: The hero begins in a mundane or ordinary world but receives a call to embark on a journey or adventure. This call could be a personal crisis, an invitation, or an external event that disrupts their everyday life.

  2. Refusal of the Call: Initially, the hero may resist the call due to fear, self-doubt, or a desire to maintain the status quo. They may need encouragement or a mentor figure to push them forward.

  3. Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a wise and experienced mentor who provides guidance, knowledge, and tools to help them overcome challenges on their journey.

  4. Crossing the Threshold: The hero finally commits to the adventure, crossing into an unfamiliar and often dangerous world. This marks a point of no return.

  5. Tests, Allies, and Enemies: Throughout their journey, the hero faces a series of trials and tests, forms alliances with companions, and confronts adversaries that help them grow and evolve.

  6. Approach to the Inmost Cave: The hero approaches a significant challenge or ordeal, often symbolising their deepest fears or inner conflict.

  7. The Ordeal: The hero faces their ultimate test, where they must confront their greatest fear or undergo a profound transformation.

  8. Reward (Seizing the Sword): After overcoming the ordeal, the hero gains a reward, such as knowledge, a special power, or a valuable object.

  9. The Road Back: The hero begins the journey back to their ordinary world, but they may face additional challenges and obstacles.

  10. Resurrection: The hero encounters a final and potentially life-threatening ordeal, which serves as a culmination of their transformation.

  11. Return with the Elixir: The hero returns to the ordinary world, often bringing back newfound wisdom, gifts, or insights that benefit their community or society.

Now, let's adapt the concept to the "Soul's Journey":

The Soul's Journey is a profound and introspective exploration of one's inner self and personal growth. This framework draws inspiration from the Hero's Journey but focuses on the internal, spiritual, and emotional transformation of an individual. It represents the path of self-discovery and the quest to find meaning and purpose in life.

  1. The Call to Self-Discovery: The soul begins its journey in the everyday world but feels a deep yearning for something more profound, an inner calling to explore its own depths.

  2. Resistance to Growth: Initially, the soul may resist this call, often due to fear, uncertainty, or a desire to remain within its comfort zone.

  3. Meeting the Inner Mentor: Along the way, the soul encounters inner wisdom and intuition, serving as a mentor guiding it towards self-awareness and personal evolution.

  4. Crossing the Threshold of Self: The soul commits to the inner journey, leaving behind old patterns and beliefs, and enters the uncharted territory of self-exploration.

  5. Trials of Self-Discovery: The soul faces numerous emotional and psychological trials, forms connections with aspects of its own psyche, and confronts inner conflicts and limitations.

  6. Navigating the Inner Abyss: The soul delves deep into its own psyche, confronting its darkest fears and unresolved issues.

  7. The Inner Transformation: The soul undergoes a profound internal transformation, shedding old layers of ego and self-doubt.

  8. Reaping Inner Riches: After the inner transformation, the soul gains a profound sense of self-acceptance, self-love, and inner peace.

  9. The Return to Self: The soul embarks on a journey back to its everyday life, navigating the external world with newfound clarity and inner strength.

  10. The Inner Resurrection: The soul encounters a final inner test or challenge, solidifying its inner growth and personal evolution.

  11. Returning to the World: The soul returns to the external world, now radiating a sense of inner peace, wisdom, and love, which positively influences its interactions with others and contributes to the betterment of the world.

In essence, while the Hero's Journey explores external adventures and physical challenges, the Soul's Journey delves into the depths of the inner self, where the ultimate quest is for self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual growth.

what is the souls journey

The concept of the Soul's Journey is a deeply spiritual and philosophical idea that transcends traditional storytelling frameworks like the Hero's Journey. It represents a personal and introspective exploration of one's inner self, consciousness, and spiritual evolution. The Soul's Journey is not a structured narrative but rather a lifelong and deeply personal quest for self-discovery, growth, and the realization of one's true essence.

In the context of the Soul's Journey:

  1. Self-Exploration: The Soul's Journey begins with an individual's innate curiosity and desire to understand the depths of their own being. It involves introspection, meditation, and contemplation to uncover the layers of one's consciousness.

  2. Spiritual Growth: As the Soul's Journey progresses, it often involves spiritual practices and experiences aimed at expanding one's awareness and connection to a higher or transcendent reality. This can include meditation, prayer, mindfulness, or engagement with various spiritual traditions.

  3. Inner Healing: Many individuals on the Soul's Journey seek to heal past wounds, traumas, and emotional baggage. This process involves facing and processing inner conflicts and unresolved issues, leading to emotional and psychological healing.

  4. Seeking Purpose and Meaning: A central aspect of the Soul's Journey is the quest for purpose and meaning in life. This search goes beyond external achievements and delves into the alignment of one's actions with their inner values and spiritual calling.

  5. Transcendence: The Soul's Journey often leads to moments of transcendence, where individuals experience a profound connection to the universe, nature, or a higher power. These experiences can be transformative and lead to a deeper sense of unity and interconnectedness.

  6. Integration: Throughout the journey, individuals strive to integrate their newfound wisdom and insights into their daily lives. This involves living authentically, with compassion, and in alignment with one's inner truth.

  7. Continual Growth: The Soul's Journey is ongoing and never truly ends. It is a lifelong commitment to self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the exploration of consciousness. Each stage and experience adds depth and richness to one's inner world.

"Navigating the Inner Cosmos: Unlocking the Soul's Journey through Chakras and Beyond"

Optimised Life offers a one-of-a-kind, personalised approach to uncovering your Soul's Journey, an enriching and transformative experience tailored uniquely to your individual life experiences. Here are several avenues through which we can embark on this exploration of your Soul's Journey: -

  1. Chakra Exploration: Engage in chakra practices to open and balance the seven main chakras, and higher chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific aspects of consciousness and can provide insights into your inner world.

  2. Energy Healing: Pellowah, and Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology, Metaphysical Anatomy techniques, Matrix therapies, crystals, essential oils, body centre activation frequencies and others may be used. Using sound therapy, such as singing bowls, chants, or specific frequencies, to resonate with and heal your chakras. Sound vibrations can help clear energy blockages and promote inner harmony.

  3. Meridians and other: Aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Grace points and aids may be used to work with or to activate awareness and align and balance these energy centers.

  4. Emotional coding and clearing: Through our unique process of working with the quantum field we find which source code may be having impact on your experiences, we gain insight and then by coding and clearing, we delve into the depths of your beliefs. We identify, release, and dissipate any limiting beliefs that may have been ingrained in you from infancy or passed down through generations. Our aim is to help you distinguish between values that truly resonate with your authentic self and those that have been imposed upon you. Together, we work on enhancing your boundaries, refining your self-talk, and nurturing your self-esteem.

  5. Coherence Healing: Coherence Healing is a holistic approach that taps into your body's innate wisdom and intelligence centers. We utilise a range of modalities to foster emotional connection, facilitate understanding, synchronise, and harmonise the various wisdoms and rhythms within your body.

    By nurturing a balanced mind-body connection, we enable the integration and healing of your mental and emotional states. This process can lead to the release of both physical and emotional distress, allowing you to open up to profound insights and transition into an empowered state of being.

    Through focused attention and intention, we transition into a heightened state of awareness. This heightened awareness allows us to become conscious of aspects that may have previously remained hidden and were influencing our well-being.

    With this newfound awareness, we gain the power to intentionally choose our responses, thereby fostering more optimised and fulfilling experiences in our lives. Coherence Healing empowers us to embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced well-being and self-mastery.

  6. Symbols, Ancient Wisdoms, Dreams and other: By delving into symbols, ancient wisdom, dreams, and other sources of insight, we can embark on a profound exploration that deepens our understanding of the unique qualities associated with each energy center and gain information from the subconscious mind. Through the utilisation of these resources, we have the opportunity to open ourselves to new understandings, perspectives, and revelations, allowing us to tap into our full potential.

  7. Holistic Practices: Combining the “work” with other holistic practices like aromatherapy, crystal healing, or herbal remedies to support your Soul's Journey and overall well-being. By being aware of universal laws, immutable laws, and natural laws, we are working with the flow of energy in a way which it is supporting us for our optimised outcomes.

Remember that the journey of self-discovery is a deeply personal and ongoing process. It's about connecting with your inner wisdom, uncovering your unique path, and aligning with your soul's purpose. Embrace the exploration with an open heart and an inquisitive mind, and you may find profound insights and transformation along the way.

Using the Soul's Journey to optimise your life involves a profound exploration of your inner self, values, and purpose. When we approach life with a sense of curiosity and play we gain so much more vitality.

By integrating the Soul's Journey into your life, you can optimise your path for greater fulfillment, inner peace, and a sense of purpose. It's about aligning your external actions and choices with your inner values, and continually evolving as you explore the depths of your own consciousness and purpose. Learn how to do this through sessions with optimised life.

Unlock the Path to Your Soul's Journey:

Are you yearning for deeper self-discovery, personal growth, understanding and a life filled with purpose and fulfillment? Imagine embarking on a profound journey into the very essence of your being, unlocking the secrets of your soul, and aligning your life with your authentic self.

Our transformative course, "Journey to the Soul: Unveiling Your True Self," invites you to embark on an extraordinary adventure of self-exploration and spiritual awakening. Here's why you won't want to miss it:

1). Discover Your True Purpose: Explore the depths of your inner world, uncover your life's purpose, and gain clarity on the path that resonates most with your soul.

2). Embrace Authenticity: Learn to live in harmony with your authentic self, shedding societal expectations and discovering the beauty of being uniquely you.

3). Practical Tools: Gain practical tools and techniques, including meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection exercises, to navigate your Soul's Journey with grace and ease.

4). Healing and Growth: Address past wounds, heal emotional baggage, and experience profound personal growth that radiates from the inside out.

5). Transform Your Life: Optimise your life, relationships, and overall well-being by aligning with your soul's purpose and living with intention.

6). Continuous Evolution: Embrace the idea that your Soul's Journey is an ongoing, lifelong process, and be equipped to navigate its twists and turns with resilience, grace and elegance.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that could change your life forever? Don't miss this opportunity to connect with your inner self, unleash your potential, and live a life that truly reflects your deepest desires and values.

Join us for "Journey to the Soul: Unveiling Your True Self," and let the transformation begin! Your soul is calling.

  1. North

  2. North by East

  3. North-Northeast

  4. Northeast by North

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  7. East-Northeast

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  11. East-Southeast

  12. Southeast by East

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  15. South-Southeast

  16. South by East

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  2. South by West

  3. South-Southwest

  4. Southwest by South

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  7. West-Southwest

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  11. West-Northwest

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  15. North-Northwest

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"We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that, you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalises." - Joseph Campbell

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” - Joseph Campbell