Attachment Alchemy Activation

Source Code Kinesiology

Attachment Alchemy Activation: Transforming Source Codes, Unleashing Emotional Freedom.

Source Coding Kinesiology

Imagine the power to reprogram yourself by rewriting the source code that dictates your thoughts and behaviours, a programming inherited during childhood that influences how you navigate life's challenges. Source Code Kinesiology empowers us to recode dysfunctional patterns at the quantum level, providing an opportunity for a fresh start amid life's complexities.

This approach represents a paradigm shift in healing, focusing not only on surface-level distress but delving deep to identify and rewire the underlying programming that perpetuates repetitive dysfunctional patterns. Source Code acts as a transformative map, allowing us to step out of lifelong negative patterns, be present, and actively co-create the desired life.

Once the Coping Style is identified, the Source Coder kinesiologist becomes a guide, leading you through a transformative journey into the corresponding Antidote. This process involves dynamic energetic shifts facilitated by embodiment practices, altering how one feels in their body and, consequently, transforming their sense of self and reality. These practices encourage a shift from the mental realm to a somatic experience, allowing you to embody new ways of being. This results in a departure from the confines of the Coping Style, propelling us into the liberating space of its Antidote.

Source Code proves revolutionary for those entangled in overthinking and intellectualising their challenges, offering a transformative pathway to improved emotional states and behaviours. When combined with the intuitive insights of Kinesiology, this fusion enhances the transformative potential. Kinesiology, through muscle testing, addresses imbalances in the body's energy system, creating a holistic approach to understanding and optimising physical, mental, and energetic aspects. Together, they form a powerful synergy, unlocking deep self-awareness, healing, and personal transformation. Source Code and Kinesiology, a harmonious fusion guiding us towards a more balanced and empowered life journey.

“In my understanding, in our first five years of life, our early experience writes source code inside of us, that then sort of determines the rest of the way that our story unfolds.”

“Unless we boldly face the glitches in our Source Code, we will continue to hand down our family's traumas.”

“When we shift our relationship with our insides—what we believe and feel and the unconscious patterns we act from—our world shifts with us.” - Dr Sam Rader