Reassess, Adapt, Succeed

Optimised Insights

“Reassess information, adapt to life’s challenges, and succeed.”

Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Unveiling the Power of Archetypes: A Journey to Our Best Selves

Archetypes, universal symbols and themes that reside within the collective unconscious, serve as powerful tools in understanding ourselves and navigating the world around us. By engaging with these age-old patterns, we can harness their wisdom to promote self-awareness and personal growth. This blog explores how working with archetypes can lead us toward becoming our best selves, providing clarity and direction in our lives.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Embracing the Journey: Understanding the Themes in Personal Growth Cycles for Women


Personal growth is a journey that unfolds uniquely for every woman. It's an ongoing process of learning, evolving, and discovering oneself at various stages of life. By understanding the themes in growth cycles, women can gain insights into their experiences and harness these cycles for personal development and empowerment. In this blog, we will explore key themes that often emerge in personal growth cycles, aiming to inspire and guide women who are on the path to self-discovery and evolution.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

"The Invisible Cord: Exploring the Energetic Bond between Mothers and Children"

"Sound is a medicine that can heal or harm. It's the vibration of your inner self that matters the most." - Jonathan Goldman “Craft the life you crave - Co-create an Opti mystic life!” It all begins with energy, frequency & vibration.

Energy, frequency, and vibration are all fundamental concepts in healing practices that operate on the principle that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that by manipulating that energy, we can promote healing and balance in the body and mind.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble


Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal evolution is akin to unlocking the sacred scripts of your soul, where each page reveals deeper truths and untapped potentials. In the realm of Quantum Human Design and Kinesiology, we find a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, a path that leads us not just to understand ourselves better but to transform our very being. This journey, rich in the balance of feminine and masculine energy, beckons us to explore the intricate tapestry of our existence, where every thread is woven with the intention of guiding us toward our highest selves.

Imagine stepping into a space where every aspect of your being—physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic—is understood and honoured. Here, the age-old adage "know thyself" takes on a new dimension, offering insights that resonate with the core of who you are and who you aspire to be. It's an invitation to explore the depths of your identity and the breadth of your potential, in an environment that celebrates the unique journey of every woman.

As we delve into the mysteries of Quantum Human Design and Kinesiology, we unlock the doors to self-awareness and empowerment, embarking on a transformative quest that promises not just insights but profound growth. This is not just about discovering who you are; it's about shaping who you become, using the tools and knowledge that align perfectly with the feminine essence.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets written in the stars and within your very cells? To navigate the map of your energetic blueprint, revealing pathways to wellness, fulfillment, and purpose that are uniquely yours? Would you like to experience this captivating journey of discovery and illuminate the path to your truest, most vibrant self?

Your adventure into the realms of Quantum Human Design and Kinesiology begins now—a journey not just of self-discovery but of soulful liberation. Welcome to a world where the mysteries of the universe and the intricacies of your being converge, creating a symphony of possibilities. Let this be the moment you choose to unlock the full potential of your existence, guided by the wisdom of the universe and the knowledge of your body. The journey to discovering your quintessence awaits.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Intergenerational Trauma & Breaking Intergenerational Trauma

Kinesiology can be a helpful tool in breaking intergenerational trauma by identifying and releasing energy blockages that may be holding onto past trauma and limiting beliefs. Through kinesiology, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and work towards healing and breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The optimistic childhood life

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of success often comes at the cost of inner peace and fulfilment. To attain an optimised life, it's crucial to delve into the principles of vibrant alignment and soulful harmony. These concepts, grounded in mindfulness and self-awareness, offer a holistic approach to creating a life that is not only successful but also deeply gratifying.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Energy Healing

Energy, frequency, and vibration are all fundamental concepts in healing practices that operate on the principle that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that by manipulating that energy, we can promote healing and balance in the body and mind.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

We Are the Architects of Our Lives: Crafting Our Masterpiece

Welcome to a thought-provoking exploration of life's greatest canvas. Here, we delve into the compelling idea that we are not mere spectators in our lives, but the active architects of our destiny. This concept transforms our understanding of existence, presenting life not as a series of random events, but as a masterpiece we are constantly creating. As we navigate through this narrative, we'll uncover how our beliefs, decisions, and relationships are the tools with which we sculpt our reality. Imagine each day as an opportunity to add to this masterpiece, whether it's a subtle brushstroke or a bold architectural change. This journey invites you to look at your life through the lens of creativity and empowerment, encouraging you to embrace the role of an architect in crafting your unique story.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The Magic Words: "I Am Done"

Have you ever reached a point in your life where the only thing left to say is "I am done"? These words carry an extraordinary blend of finality and freedom, marking a pivotal moment of change. In this blog, we'll delve into the transformative power of this simple yet profound phrase. From a symbol of closure to a beacon of new beginnings, join us as we explore how saying "I am done" can be a courageous step towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Embracing Authenticity: Crafting a Life of Boundaries, Purpose, and Self-Love - Craft a New Personal Narrative or Story

In the symphony of crafting empowering narratives, we discover that our stories are not merely tales told in isolation; they are the catalysts for change and transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us. As we navigate our unique journeys with authenticity and self-belief, we send ripples of inspiration into the world, inviting others to embark on their empowering narratives as well. By sharing our experiences and vulnerabilities, we create connections that bridge the gaps between us, fostering a sense of unity and empowerment. In doing so, we not only unlock opportunities for our own growth and success but also contribute to a world where empowerment and positivity flourish.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Unlocking the Beauty of Human Design: Embracing the Totality of Your Chart

Are you ready to unlock the hidden beauty of your existence and discover the masterpiece that is your unique self? In a world that's constantly searching for deeper self-understanding and personal growth, Human Design has emerged as a captivating tool for unveiling your true potential. However, to truly appreciate the intricate tapestry of your Human Design, you must be willing to explore it in its totality – weaving together the threads of centers, lines of the profile, type, and resiliency keys. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we unveil the enchanting world of Human Design, where every aspect of your chart contributes to the awe-inspiring portrait of who you are and what you're destined to share with the world. This is your invitation to embrace the beauty of your own unique design and embark on a path of self-realization and personal growth.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

What Drives, Guides & Inspires you?

Life is a grand tapestry of experiences, each thread woven together by moments of joy, adversity, and self-discovery. Yet, amidst the ebb and flow of existence, there lies a deep yearning within us—an innate desire to live an optimided life filled with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

A Dance of Change: Embracing Life’s Beauty Amidst Challenges

In the timeless rhythm of existence, life unfolds like an intricate dance, where the unexpected steps often lead to the most beautiful moments. Join me on a journey through the wisdom of ancient Greece, where philosophers like Heraclitus and Socrates guide us in the art of embracing life's ever-changing choreography. In this blog, we'll explore the profound beauty that emerges from having the rug pulled out from under you, enduring serious illness, and witnessing the struggles of others. We'll learn to let go of the past, release our expectations, and savor the present moment as we discover that life's true magnificence lies in its unpredictability.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

Embracing who we are through Quantum Human Design

Understanding and living in harmony with your unique Human Design is not just about self-awareness; it's a profound affirmation of your authentic self. This approach encourages you to embrace your innate qualities and quirks, reassuring you that it's more than okay to be true to who you are. It's a journey of recognising that each individual is a distinct piece of a larger puzzle, perfectly designed to fit just as they are. By honouring your personal design, you not only find peace and authenticity in your own being but also inspire others to accept and celebrate their true selves in the diverse tmosaic of humanity.

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Janiece Humble Janiece Humble

The Figure 8: A Symbolic Journey Through Time and Healing

The figure 8's historical significance and its application in kinesiology beautifully illustrate the timeless connection between physical health, emotional well-being, and the flow of energy within the body. As kinesiologists utilise figure 8 movements to strengthen and protect the body's energy, they draw upon the wisdom of ancient cultures, honouring the enduring symbolism of balance and continuity in the pursuit of healing and vitality. The figure 8 remains a powerful symbol and practical tool that transcends time and culture, guiding us on our journey towards physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.

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Live with Intention, Love with Passion, Thrive with Purpose

Start your journey

                    Quieten the Mind - Wisdom    

                 Engage the Heart - Compassion

                Embrace Inner Awareness - Power

Quotes from ancient philosophers that resonate with these principles:

Quieten the Mind - Wisdom:

"The quieter you become, the more you can hear." - Ram Dass

Engage the Heart - Compassion:

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." - Lao Tzu

Embrace Inner Awareness - Power:

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power." - Lao Tzu