Clearing, Clarity, Confidence

Recalibration and Revitalisation: optimised matrix life transformation

Clear emotional wounds & negative beliefs in your matrix, find clarity, gain confidence & transformative positive change

Optimised Matrix

Optimised Life’s Matrix therapies assist you in clearing emotional baggage by addressing unresolved past traumas and negative emotions. This process allows for a release of the burdens that may have been holding you back. It does this in a beautiful, gentle, positive and healing way.

Clarity is achieved through gaining insight into how the past experiences has influence present behavior. By exploring and healing these emotional wounds, our lives can be seen more clearly, we can understand our triggers, and make conscious choices that align with our true selves.

With newfound clarity and emotional healing, you naturally begin to develop confidence. You become more self-assured, as you no longer feel burdened or controlled by your past. This confidence allows you to make better decisions, set healthy boundaries, and take proactive steps toward a more positive and purposeful future.

By delving into the matrix of stored experiences, clearing outdated beliefs, and uncovering newfound clarity and insights, you embark on a journey to cultivate lasting confidence. These intertwined processes empower you to transform your life positively by addressing and overcoming past emotional wounds and gaining a profound understanding of your current self and behaviours. This transformation propels you towards a more fulfilling and authentic future.

Course Outline

Matrix therapies is done in a set order and in six sessions

Personal History:

  • We will find out why you want coaching

  • What the main issues are and ares you want to address

  • We will uncover internal conflicts and confusions

  • we find out what you want instead

  • We will explore some of your personal history to discover the root cause of the problems you are currently facing, relationship with Mother and Father

  • The main issues will be typed out an an outcome for your sessions will be agreed to

Clearing Negative Emotions: 2 Sessions will be spent on this

We clear the umbrella emotions first:

  • Anger

  • Shame

  • Fear

  • Guilt

We look at any related emotions that haven’t cleared and are an issue:

  • Rage, outbursts, frustration, annoyance

  • Grief, depression, feeling blue or low

  • Anxiety, worry, stress

  • Martyrdom, control.

We clear Limiting Decisions:

We find these from your personal history. An example might be:

  • Not feeling good enough

  • Get angry at being criticised

  • Being accident prone

  • Having problems with money

  • Choosing the wrong relationship

  • These will be individual to you

We clear internal conflicts and confusions:

Sometimes people can’t make up their mind about something because part of them wants one thing and part of them wants something else. In NLP these are called Parts and there is a process called a parts integration that resolves this inner conflict.

Goal Setting:

  • How you can set goals that engage all the power of your unconscious mind and propel you towards success

  • How you can set goals that are inspiring and still practical

  • How you can set goals that fulfil both your abstract and concrete needs.

"The greatest battles we face are the ones within ourselves, for it is there that we find both our demons and the strength to conquer them." - Unknown

"Our life is a creation, and the essence of that creation is choice." – Jim Rohn

"You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you." – Joe Vitale