The Deeper Message - Symbiosis

Feeding Both Wolves: The True Message of the Two Wolves Story

In the realm of ancient Cherokee wisdom, there exists a parable—an allegory of life's intricate choices—known as the story of the two wolves. It's a narrative that has resonated with many, and while you might be familiar with a popular version of the tale, the original story carries a deeper, more nuanced message.

The Tale Begins

An old Cherokee Indian chief imparts his wisdom to his grandson, revealing the eternal struggle within us all. "A fight is going on inside me," he explains, "a fight between two wolves."

One wolf is the embodiment of darkness, harboring anger, envy, sorrow, regret, and other negative traits. The other wolf radiates light, representing joy, peace, love, hope, and kindness. This internal conflict, the chief notes, is universal—it resides within each person on this earth.

The grandson, after pondering this duality, poses a crucial question, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"

The chief's response, often simplified in the retelling, carries profound wisdom: "The one you feed."

The Deeper Message

Yet, there's more to the story, an essential message that often gets overlooked. The old Cherokee, with a knowing smile, adds, "If you feed them right, they both win."

He goes on to explain that solely nurturing the light wolf while neglecting the dark wolf is a recipe for an unending internal struggle. The dark wolf, starved of attention, lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce when you falter. It remains in perpetual anger, fighting for recognition.

The lesson lies in acknowledging both wolves within us. Each possesses qualities necessary for different aspects of life. The dark wolf brings tenacity, courage, fearlessness, and strength of will—traits that are indispensable at times. On the other hand, the light wolf embodies compassion, caring, empathy, and the ability to prioritize the needs of others over oneself.

The Symbiosis of the Wolves

In the end, the two wolves need each other. Feeding and caring for both allows them to serve you in harmony. This balance enables you to harness their collective strengths, empowering you to do something greater, something good with your time on earth.

The message is clear: peace, inner peace, is the ultimate goal. A person with peace inside possesses everything. In contrast, someone harboring a storm within their heart and soul has nothing. Your choices in how you treat these opposing forces within you shape your life's course.

Embracing the Wisdom

The true essence of the story of the two wolves teaches us that life is a delicate balance. While it's easier to gravitate toward the light or the dark, true harmony comes from nurturing both aspects within ourselves. It's about making conscious choices and recognising that each wolf has its place and purpose.

Here at Optimised Life, our mission aligns with this profound wisdom. We understand that ignoring our desires is not the answer. Sometimes, you need to feed your cravings. However, it's about doing so mindfully and in a balanced manner, leaving you rejuvenated and ready to embrace life's challenges and joys.

So, remember to feed both wolves within you. Embrace the symbiosis of their strengths, and you'll find yourself on a path towards self-improvement and inner peace. This is the true message of the story of the two wolves—starve one or the other, or guide them both In guiding them both it leads to your optimised life experience.


Quieten the Mind, Engage the Heart: Embracing Inner Awareness and Compassion for an Optimised Life


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