Focused, Feedback, Function

Optimised Energetic & Metaphysical Kinesiology

Balance, Adapt, Excel: The Art of Focused Bio-Feedback Function.

Empower Your Potential: Precision, Adaptation, Excellence with Focused Feedback Function

Kinesiology works on Bio Feedback from the body. Biofeedback is defined to be - physiology, psychology

a technique for teaching the control of autonomic functions, such as the rate of heartbeat or breathing, by recording the activity and presenting it (usually visually) so that the person can know the state of the autonomic function he or she is learning to control in the Collins Dictionary

In the context of Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology, biofeedback can be broken down into three key components: Focused, Feedback, and Function. Here's how each component works:

  1. Focused: This aspect relates to the conscious direction of attention and intention. In Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology, focus is crucial for directing energy and intention towards specific areas of the body or aspects of the mind and spirit. In biofeedback, focus is used to gain awareness of physiological functions that are usually automatic, like heart rate or muscle tension.

  2. Feedback: Feedback in this context refers to the information received from the body or mind, which is often unconscious or subtle. In Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology, practitioners may use muscle testing as a form of feedback to understand imbalances in the body's energy systems. In biofeedback, feedback is more direct and quantifiable, often provided via electronic devices that measure bodily functions like brain waves, heart rate variability, and muscle tension. This feedback helps individuals understand and control their physiological states.

  3. Function: This refers to the operational aspect of both systems. In Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology, function might involve restoring balance and flow to the body's energy systems, thereby improving physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In biofeedback, function is about learning to control physiological processes to improve health and performance, such as reducing stress, managing pain, or enhancing concentration.

When harmoniously integrated, these elements forge an impactful instrument for self-discovery and healing. Energetic and Metaphysical Kinesiology harnesses the body's innate biofeedback mechanisms, combining them with acute, focused attention and intuitive feedback. This approach meticulously seeks out and identifies blockages within the biofeedback loop. Once these impediments are pinpointed, and insight is gained, a range of kinesiology techniques are adeptly applied to rectify energy imbalances.

Kinesiology is not just a practice but a testament to the profound power of the mind-body connection. It empowers you to actively engage in deciphering your internal messaging and signals. Through the guidance of a practitioner, one can tap into this deep well of internal wisdom, catalysing a journey towards enhanced health and holistic well-being. This journey is both a discovery and a reclamation, revealing the profound capacity each individual holds for self-healing and equilibrium.

Optimised Life’s Energetic Base Kinesiology Sessions available

Opti Flow kinesiology for health, autoimmune and chronic conditions and dis- ease in body, addressing general health , hormones , reproductive and physical body

Opti Zest Kinesiology to become more engaged in your purpose, passion and fulfillment in life

Opti Me-Time Kinesiology to give from an overflowing saucer rather than an empty cup

Opti Thrive Kinesiology Coaching - for evolution and life impact towards goals, personal outcomes and achievements

Opti mystic - Chakra alignment to come back into balance

Opti -Mum (/Dad) Kinesiology - for parenting physical and emotional well being

Opti Nurture Kids Kinesiology to help our kids live their best lives

Opti -Generational Lineage - for gentle clearing of patterns that may be re-occuring in families through the generations

Opti-Transitions - to find peace, insight and joy again - transition resilience for life’s expected and not so expected and unexpected changes

Optimised Mums and Bubs Kinesiology - Nurturing those special bonds between mother and baby /child through kinesiology

Opti Beliefs Kinesiology Clearing Limiting beliefs allowing progress and empowered thoughts, beliefs and actions

Opti Womens Wellness Kinesiology for Kinesiology dedicated to women’s health issues for all stages of life

Opti Stress Release For Kinesiology time, insights and help when life is throwing you curve ball after curve ball

Opti-paws for kinesiology insights on emotional matters relating to pets and pet owners

"The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

'‘ The level of consciousness determines the nature and quality of an individuals life.” - Dr David R Hawkins

"Force always moves against something, whereas power does not move against anything." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

"The source of spiritual power is from within and its source is love." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

"True power arises from alignment with the realities of consciousness and truth; force is born of deviation from them." - Dr. David R. Hawkins