Embracing Vulnerability: Celebrating the wisdom of the multiple intelligences within our body.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path." - Brene Brown.

Brené Brown's quote on vulnerability aligns with the concept of wisdom in various aspects of human experience, including cephalic (head), heart, gut, pelvic, and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Here's how it fits within this framework: When we use our multiple wisdoms and intelligences of our body we are able to respond from a much more empowered and balanced way. Responding from this place leads to us living a more optimised life experience.

Cephalic Wisdom (Head - Creativity and Stories):

Vulnerability encourages us to embrace our creative potential and explore new ideas without the fear of failure. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we can break free from self-imposed limitations and the stories we tell ourselves about our capabilities. Vulnerability acts as a catalyst for creativity and the transformation of our personal narratives. By embracing vulnerability, we liberate ourselves from self-imposed limitations, allowing us to explore new ideas and break free from the stories we tell ourselves about our capabilities. It's a journey of unlocking our creative potential without the fear of failure, fostering a deeper connection with our own abilities.

Heart Wisdom (Compassion and Values):

Vulnerability fosters compassion and empathy, which are central to heart wisdom. It encourages us to be open to the vulnerabilities of others and connect on a deeper level. Being authentic about our own vulnerabilities allows us to truly understand and support what is important to others. At the core of heart wisdom lies compassion and empathy, virtues that vulnerability nurtures. Being open about our vulnerabilities enables us to connect with others on a profound level, fostering understanding and support. Authentic vulnerability allows us to truly comprehend what is important to others, creating a foundation for meaningful connections based on shared values.

Gut Wisdom (Courage and Core Values):

Vulnerability requires courage. It's about facing our fears and embracing our core values. When we are vulnerable, we act in alignment with what is deeply important to us, which resonates with the gut wisdom of making choices based on our inner convictions. Courage is an integral part of vulnerability, urging us to face our fears and embrace our core values. By being vulnerable, we align our actions with what is deeply important to us, resonating with the gut wisdom of making choices based on our inner convictions. It's a journey that requires courage to navigate through uncertainties and challenges, strengthening our resolve.

Pelvic Wisdom (Desire and Love):

Vulnerability can also touch upon the concept of desire and love, as it often involves opening up and expressing our desires, needs, and affections. It can strengthen relationships and enhance our ability to communicate what we love and care about. Opening up and expressing our desires, needs, and affections, vulnerability strengthens relationships and enhances our ability to communicate what we love and care about. It invites us to be genuine in our expressions, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and others.

ANS Wisdom (Regulation, Safety, and Attention):

Vulnerability, when practiced authentically, can lead to a sense of safety and regulation within the autonomic nervous system. When we feel safe to be ourselves, it promotes a state of coherence and well-being.

Vulnerability also guides our attention to what truly matters in our lives, aligning with the ANS's role in focusing on what is important for our body's health and equilibrium. Vulnerability plays a pivotal role in integrating and aligning various aspects of wisdom within the body and mind. It encourages us to be creative, compassionate, courageous, authentic in our desires and expressions, and attuned to what is important for our overall well-being and safety.

When we truly appreciate the many gifts of vulnerabilty, we discover a pivotal force that integrates and aligns various aspects of wisdom within our body. It encourages us to be creative, compassionate, courageous, authentic in our desires and expressions , and attuned to what is improtant for our overall well-being and safety. Embracing vulnerability becomes a transformative journey, a path leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and a richer connection with the world around us.


Intention, passion & purpose


Embracing Archetypal Energy