Embracing Archetypal Energy

In a recent group exercise, I wrestled with the task and idea of claiming a royal archetype. After some hesitation, I landed on articulating what my logo for Optimismed Life has always meant to me, and is deeply personal. My essence aligns with the moments in nature that strike a chord within me—the moon's cycles, the quiet bloom of a flower, and the serene beauty of sunrise and sunset. So, I've settled on "Queen of Celestial Rhythms": I am someone who finds solace and meaning in the natural order, from sunrise serenades to sunset sonnets, acknowledging that as the sun sets, the cosmos begins its nightly display. So I claim as my Royal Archetypal energy - I am “Queen of Celestial Rhythms” : Sovereign of Sunrise Serenades and Sunset Sonnets -

What would be your Archetypal King or Queen name? What in life touches your soul essence the most? We sometimes play small, we feel we must not be too grand, but when we really come to what life is about - the place where we connect with what it truly means to us, we can embrace our own magic. - in the profound words of Carl Sagan - “The Cosmos is within us, We are a way for the universe to know itself.” - it does not want us to play small, so I invite you too to connect with your magic, that inner spark that loves being alive.

In the grand tapestry of existence, every dawn unfolds as a blank canvas, waiting to be adorned with the strokes of our choices and experiences. As the self-proclaimed "Queen of Celestial Rhythms," I find profound inspiration in the cosmic ballet that graces our mornings and evenings, urging us to become architects of our destiny.

The Dawn of New Beginnings:

As the sun gently kisses the world awake, it gifts us not just with light but with a fresh opportunity to optimise our experiences and, by extension, our lives. Each sunrise is a call to embrace the new, to approach the day with a sense of purpose and possibility. The canvas is blank, and it's our choices that will paint the strokes of our journey.

Harmonising with Elemental Energies:

Nature, in its elegant dance of elements, sets the stage for our daily performance. The morning mist and vibrant sunrise colours symbolise renewal and the chance to infuse our day with positivity. By aligning ourselves with the energy of the elements, we can optimise our experiences, grounding ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us.

Blossoming Resilience: The Lotus Symphony of Transformation

In the cosmic theater of existence, the lotus emerges as a testament to resilience and metamorphosis. From the murky depths, it rises with unwavering determination, its petals unfurling in a breathtaking display of beauty and grace. Rooted in adversity, the lotus teaches us the art of blooming amidst life's challenges, symbolising the triumph of purity over impurity. As its petals reach for the light, we are reminded of our own capacity to rise above darkness, to transform and unfold into our most authentic selves. Like the lotus, we navigate the currents of life, finding serenity in our blossoming and contributing our unique radiance to the grand symphony of the cosmos.

Sunset Reflections:

As the day gracefully concludes, the sunset becomes our mirror, reflecting on the moments lived. It's a juncture for introspection, a chance to optimise our reflections and carry the wisdom gained into the night. The setting sun, like a mentor bidding us farewell, implores us to learn, grow, and optimise for a better tomorrow.

Moonlit Opportunities:

The moon, a guardian in the night sky, offers a different kind of optimisation—a chance for rest and rejuvenation. It bathes the world in a gentle glow, inviting us to reflect on the day's experiences and recharge for the next sunrise. Each night is a canvas for dreaming, a space to envision the life we desire and take deliberate steps towards its realisation.

Seizing the Day:

In this cosmic masterpiece, we are both audience and artist, empowered to optimise our experiences and shape the narrative of our lives. Let each dawn be a reminder that the power to optimise is within our grasp. Embrace the celestial rhythms, paint your canvas with intention, and let each day be a step towards a life optimised for fulfillment and joy. The universe has bestowed upon us the ultimate gift—the present moment. It's up to us to unwrap it with purpose and gratitude, optimising the canvas of our existence with every breath.


Embracing Vulnerability: Celebrating the wisdom of the multiple intelligences within our body.

