Understanding our default behaviours

Reacting and responding are two different approaches to handling situations, and they involve distinct cognitive and emotional processes. Here are key elements that differentiate reacting from responding:


  1. Impulsivity: Reactions are often impulsive and instinctual. They happen quickly and without much conscious thought.

  2. Emotional Intensity: Reactions are driven by emotions, especially strong ones like anger, fear, or frustration. The response is influenced by the immediate emotional state.

  3. Automatic: Reactions tend to be automatic and reflexive. They may be based on past experiences, conditioning, or instinct.

  4. Limited Consideration: Reactive behavior may not consider the long-term consequences or the bigger picture. It's focused on addressing the immediate situation.

  5. Stress Response: Reacting is often associated with the body's stress response, such as the "fight or flight" reaction.


  1. Thoughtful Consideration: Responses involve more thoughtful consideration. There is a conscious effort to assess the situation, understand it, and decide on an appropriate course of action.

  2. Emotional Regulation: Responding includes the ability to regulate emotions. Instead of being solely driven by emotions, responses are influenced by a balanced consideration of emotions and logic.

  3. Choice: Responding implies a sense of choice. Individuals have the opportunity to choose how they want to address a situation, considering various options.

  4. Long-Term View: Responses often take into account the long-term consequences and goals. There's a consideration of the broader context and impact.

  5. Flexibility: Responses can be more flexible and adaptable. They may involve problem-solving and finding constructive solutions.

  6. Communication: Responses often involve effective communication. There's an effort to express oneself clearly and understand others.

Reacting is automatic, emotional, and often impulsive, while responding is a more thoughtful, considered, and conscious approach. Developing the ability to respond rather than react is a key aspect of emotional and adaptability intelligence and effective interpersonal communication.

Unraveling the Threads of Childhood Programming

Moving on from understanding reacting versus responding, the intricate dance of emotions and cognition, we are now going to unravel another layer— the impact of childhood programming on these reactions.

Childhood: The Architect of Our Reactions

Our early experiences shape the lens through which we perceive and respond to the world. The programs installed during childhood become the default settings for how we navigate life's twists and turns. These scripts, often unconscious, influence not only our reactions but also our relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Peeling Back the Layers

Have you ever wondered why certain situations trigger an immediate emotional response, seemingly beyond your control? It's the residue of childhood programming. Perhaps it's time to uncover these hidden threads and gain the power to rewire them for a more optimised life.

Book a Session: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Transformation

Embark on a journey in unraveling the intricate threads of childhood programming. Our session offers a unique blend of exercises, somatic techniques, and tailored practices designed to bring these patterns to light, to work through them, resolve them and to live a more empowered and individual way to that which you were experiencing and reacting to unconsciously.

What to Expect:

  1. Self-Reflection: Explore the roots of your reactions and behaviours in a really unique way.

  2. Release and Renewal: Engage in somatic techniques to release old patterns.

  3. Empowerment: Gain the power to respond in the moment with wisdom and clarity.

The Art of Living Optimally

Imagine a life where your responses align with your true desires, untethered from the limitations of the past. This session is your gateway to building emotional intelligence, fostering effective communication, and crafting an optimised life.

Ready to Rewrite Your Script?

Continue the journey towards self-mastery and an optimised life. Book your session now and let’s rewrite those childhood scripts together. Your future self will thank you.


Optimise our childhood learnt coping styles


The gift we give ourselves that keeps on giving.