Intention, Passion, Purpose

Life Sculpting; Embracing Your Best Life: Unleashing Innate Potential & Unique Design

Embrace Life: Celebrating the Beauty, Ease & Grace of Living Authentically.

Live with intention, Love with Passion, Thrive with Purpose

Empower yourself!

To become in flow and in sync with the beauty & creative power of your life again & unlock the full limitless potential of your body & mind to:

  • Optimise your life experience

  • Optimise your health and well-being

    Optimise your adaptability quotient

  • Optimise Gratitude and Mindfulness

  • Optimise your self and other relationships

    Optimise your insight

  • Optimise self-growth

  • Optimise your communication

  • Rediscover true self-passion

  • Gain confidence

  • Set new goals

  • Discover new perspectives

  • Find inner connections

Empower, Enhance, Enrich

Live with Intention

Love with passion

Thrive with Purpose

It is so important to embrace our authentic selves and confront our vulnerabilities rather than avoid them. The difficulties in owning our stories and being vulnerable are far outweighed by the consequences of avoiding these experiences, which include missing out on love, belonging, and joy. Our greatest strength and potential lie in our ability to confront the challenges and vulnerabilities that life presents.

Are you ready to experience life with deeper insight and clarity? To embrace more fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction? To find the motivation, resilience, and enhanced well-being you deserve? It all begins with you. Your optimised life journey starts by harnessing the incredible power of the mind-body connection. The most important work you'll ever do is the work on yourself. Unlock your full potential – book a session today and take the first step towards a more meaningful, vibrant, more optimised life experinece.

Optimised Insights

At Optimised Life, we take pride in offering a diverse range of coaching modalities to enhance your journey towards holistic wellness and health. Our multifaceted approach reflects our commitment to providing a well-rounded, comprehensive solution for personal growth and well-being. By combining various modalities, we create a tailored, transformative experience that's uniquely designed to address your needs and aspirations.

It's like having access to a holistic toolbox that allows you to explore and harmonise different facets of your life, from physical vitality to emotional resilience, from relationships to creative fulfillment and from lifestyle to purpose.

Our goal is to guide you on a path towards a more balanced, fulfilling, and vital life, and we believe that the synergy of these modalities can help you achieve just that.

With Optimised Life, you have the opportunity to embrace a comprehensive approach to holistic wellness and health that offers true transformation.

Optimised Life

Optimised Life presents an extensive array of carefully curated services, each with the purpose of elevating and enriching your life experience. These modalities work in seamless synergy to unveil profound insights, instill clarity, harmonise with your core values, align with your life's true purpose, and gently guide you toward a path of greater fulfillment. Whether your goal is to cultivate more peace and harmony or to ignite more passion and purpose, the choice is yours. Ultimately, you have the opportunity to live your optimised life with greater ease, grace, and happiness.

Would like to create a more empowered, more optimised life?

We bring together a powerful blend of accredited holistic health modalities with age-old wisdom. Kinesiology, Human Design, Matrix Therapies, Source Coding, Mbraining, Holistic Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Quantum Meta Frames, Pellowah Healing, Intuitive Healing, Universal Laws, Ho'oponopono, Metaphysical Anatomy Techniques, Numerology, Yogic type Wisdom, Cultural and Ancient wisdom and so much more.

It's a unique fusion that adds depth and potency to your empowerment.

Ready to start the Optimised Quantum Kinesiology Empowerment journey?

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination." - Carl Rogers

“The body is a self-healing organism, so it's really about clearing things out of the way so the body can heal itself.” - Barbara Brennan

Kinesiology Services

Opti - Clear Generational Trauma

Opti - Stress Release

Opti - Nurture

Opti - Beliefs

Opti - Mums And Bubs

Opti Zest

Opti Thrive

Opti - Paws

Opti - Transitions

Opti - “Me Time”

Opti - Mums And Dads - Parenting

Quantum Insights

Coping Styles - Source Coding

Optimised Journey

Optimised Signature Holistic Coaching & Programs

Opti Empowerment and Values

Opti Breakthrough

Opti Mum and Dad

Opti Trance

Optimised Origins

Optimised Shadow and Inner Child work

Opti Mystic

Chaktra Balancing to be more aligned, congruent and in flow with life,

Opti Paws

Communicate with your animals through a sessionand find out what is going on for them, how you can support them …

Opti Beleifs

Clear limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns running your life to live from a more empowered responsive way

Opti Clearing Generaltional Trauma

Opti “Me Time”

healing generational trauma while embracing the strengths passed down through our ancestry. By releasing the emotional burdens carried from previous generations, we can free ourselves from repeating disempowering patterns

Opti Mums and Bubs

Like a spa day for your body and your emotions. Allowing you to relax, revitalise and top up your insights, self direction ….

Opti Mums and Dads - Parenting

Perfect from pregnancy through out motherhood for connection between you and your child ……

Opti Stress Relief

Energetic kinesiology offers parents a holistic approach to maintaining both physical and emotional well-being, allowing them to navigate the demands of parenting with renewed vitality.

Opti Transition Resilience

Helping you destress, understand the reasons it has had an impact on your body and release the stress

Opti Breakthrough

Through life we experience plot twists, curve balls, unexpected separations, things we love unexpectedly coming to an end and we also experience life transitions, some of us leaving a career, finding ourselves as empty nesters, kinesiology can helping us find our way through

powerful 5 hour session that helps you realign with your values & goals, gain clarity, motivation & drive to achieve your goals & live authentically.

Opti Hearts

tap into their inner wisdom and potential, and align their thoughts and actions with their deepest desires and goals.

Opti Kids

Relationship coaching, learn new skills, gain insights into behaviour and patterns, and develop strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving greater satisfaction in your relationships.

To help children learn important life skills, such as self-awareness, confidence, resilience, and problem-solving abilities….

A program designed to optimise your life, elevate your experience, & add new dimensions to your experiences.

Opti Results

Address any physical, emotional, or mental health issues that may be impacting a parent's well-being or their ability to effectively parent or enjoy their children, a choice of single sessions or a parenting program available

Opti Trance

Clearing limiting beliefs and aligning with values and goals Quantum coaching helps to clear limiting beliefs, align with your values and goals, and achieve greater clarity, self-awareness, confidence, and fulfillment in your life….

Optimised Signature Programs

Opti Archetype

Combines traditional hypnosis techniques with the latest advancements in neuroscience and psychology and holistic health, it helps you achieve your desired outcomes in a fast ...

Opti Blue Print Program

You are a once in a life time cosmic event and your blue print is perfect. Over our life time we take on others imprints, adapt to circumstances that are difficult in a non optimum way and slowly we lose our true uniqueness and magic, this program of 6 sessions is about reconnecting to what is your authentic blueprint and living with heart from there.

Identifying and utilising archetypes optimises your life experience by providing a profound framework for self-discovery, problem-solving, personal growth, and meaningful decision-making.

Our early experiences create a source code within us, shaping our life's path. We help rewrite this code for a healthier, more beautiful life. Discover the 12 Coping Styles

Utlising ancient and modern energy, frequency vibration combining a variety of sound, pellowah, reiki, chakra, tesla healing, dream therapies, essential oils, flower essences, crystals, meridians and a variety of other energy healings

Optimised Life offers a one-of-a-kind, personalised approach to uncovering your Soul's Journey, an enriching and transformative experience tailored uniquely to your individual life experiences. through a beautiful blend of healing

A powerful path for healing generational trauma while embracing the strengths passed down through our ancestry. By releasing the emotional burdens carried from previous generations, we can free ourselves f ...

By delving into the matrix of stored experiences, clearing outdated beliefs, and uncovering newfound clarity and insights, you embark on a journey to cultivate lasting confidence. These intertwined processes empower you to transform …

Access your intuition, your inner wisdom and your true identity, focus on restoring balance and harmony, connecting to wellness and your optimised life experience

Opti Hearts

Energy Healing

Optimised Wellness

Optimised Mums and Bubs

Optimised Quantum Empowerment

Optimised Synergy

Opti Empowerment and Values

Opti Limitless Potential

Opti Mum and Dad

Optimum Coping Styles - Source Coding

Opti Energy Healing

Optimised Generational Healing

Optimised Journey

Optimised Wellness

Optimised Matrix

Optimised Multiple Wisdoms Integration

Optimised Mums and Bubs

Optimised Numerics and Numerology

Discover the transformative power of mBraining coaching, where we find the message from your body, where we harmonise your head, heart, and gut, pelvic and ANS intelligences to help you make informed decisions, embrace your creativity, ...

Optimised Origins

Numerology gives a unique experience into the vibrations affecting your life, gives great insights and empowers us….

Optimised Quantum Empowerment

The mother's emotional & mental states, as well as her physical health, can have an impact on the baby's well-being & development, highlighting the importance of taking care of oneself during pregnancy and throughout your child’s life no matter their age the bond you share with your child is precious. Nurturing the bond, caring for your journey as mum

Optimised Quantum Human Design

Are you curious to explore what makes you tick and what truly matters to you? If so, let's get started on this signature program designed to give you the key to you.

Radical Empowerment - Shadow /Inner Child

By addressing both the inner child's wounds & the hidden aspects of the personality, we work towards greater self integration and when we take radical responsibility, this is where true empowerment really occurs

Quantum Empowerment Coaching is a natural, holistic approach to personal growth and development that combines the latest discoveries in quantum physics with ancient wisdom and healing practices.

Optimised Synergy

Your journey towards self-enlightenment combines a diverse array of holistic modalities & self-discovery techniques provides a multifaceted approach to optimising life. 5 x 90 Min sessions

Your relationships add to your life. The relationship you have with your significant other and that of the one with yourself and what you bring into the relationship determines the quality of your life. Wouldn’t it be worthwhile in investing in this area? Consult into relationships from the Human Design Perspective and from the charts of the two people involved in the relationship

Quantum Human Design Kinesiology and Specialised Coaching

Human Design - Kinesiology Session

Combining Quantum Human Design insights and Kinesiology wisdoms for a deeply personal immersive experience into your blueprint.

Human Design Reading

Human Design Reading - Conscious Choice Catalyst - Blue Print Brilliance - Unravelling Quantum Human Design wisdom for Personal Empowerment

“Aligning your understanding & choices with a deeper, intrinsic code or framework that empowers self-discovery.”

Free Chart - Free Chart Chat 15 minute consult

15 Minute free consult to ask questions of your human design chart

Human Design Empowerment Blueprint - Human Design Full Consult

Full consult into your chart, an hour long reading going over aspects and information and a full human design reading.

Human Design Relationship Insights and Reading

Human Design Family Reading up to 5 people

A two hour Human Design reading going over the complexities and the interrelationships between family members - up to five members

Human Design - Life Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle analysis from a Human Design insight, specifically for you.

Optimised Life Human Design Parenting

The most important job you will ever do is to raise your children - Human design gives added insights into your child’s motivations, aspirations and behaviours so that you have the added advantage of knowing just how to help them, working with their particular design.

Human Design Soul Activation Readings

Your journey towards self-enlightenment and that which activates your deepest soul desires.

Human Design - Optimised Wealth

Human design gives us insights into how to become fully in coherence with our own experience of abundance, the wealth of health, information, joy, gratitude, relationships - all of life’s wealths, not just monetary wealth. When we work with the particular insights from human design regarding wealth we can understand our possible money blocks and the things which are keeping us from a fully optimised life experience in health, wealth and joy.

Human Design - Understanding Repeating Life Conundrums

Do you sometimes feel like you are repeating the same experience just with different people or at different times of your life Understanding repeating life conundrums will give you Human Design Insights into what your chart reveals in this area and how you can best unlock a new path.

Human Design Transits and how it affects you

For important occasions or decisions it is nice to know that you have everything working for you - all the planets are aligned so to speak. A Human Design Transit reading will give you insight.

Signature Optimised Life Kinesiology Sessions

Quantum Human Design Kinesiology

A beautiful blend - Kinesiology and Quantum Human Design are both holistic approaches that aim to uncover and address underlying issues affecting our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While they have distinct methods and philosophies, they share common goals of exploring the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds

Me-Time Kinesiology

A continuous journey to inner renewal and deeper connections. Revitalise your spirit, reflect on your journey, and reconnect with your inner wisdom. Fill your own cup so that you are able to fill others.

Source Code Kinesiology

Attachment Alchemy Activation: Transforming source codes, unleashing emotional freedom.

Embodied Wisdoms - Integrative Penta Wisdom (mBraining) Kinesiology

Harmonise your five brains - cephalic, heart, gut, pelvic and autonomic nervous system - unlocking a deeper understanding of yourself and fostering integrated wisdom.

Life Alchemy (Moments Mastered - Matrix) Kinesiology

Master the art of life alchemy - turning every moment into a masterpiece of your unique and purposeful journey

Ancient Wisdom Kinesiology

Navigate the path of ancient wisdom form insightful beginnings to inspiring transformation, culminating in an integrated approach for a harmonious balanced and optimised life experience.

Mums & Bubs Kinesiology

Nurturing bonds - A journey of Tender, Timeless, Treasured love - for pre conception, pregnancy and post delivery. Kinesiology assisting the special time and issues associated with the joys of motherhood. Once a mother always a mothers concerns.

Metaphysical Anatomy Technique Kinesiology

Embark on a transformative journey of self-exploration, emotional release, and holistic empowerment, fostering a path to profound balance and wellness.

Womens Wellness Kinesiology

Catering for all women’s wellness, be they at the emotional, mental, physical or of the soul level

Optimised Life Pellowah Healing

Pellowah provides Powerful Positive Transformation by working at the DNA level and with the merkabah and light body.

By delving into the intricacies of your unique design, you gain a deep understanding of who you are at your core & the path that aligns with your true self.

Opti Flow

Opti - Mystic

Opti Limitless Potential

Opti Blue Print

Optimised Multiple Wisdoms

Opti Zest

Experience the power of Energetic Kinesiology: pinpoint root causes of emotional blockages, restore balance, and ignite your body's natural healing for lasting vitality …

Opti Flow

investigating and working on clearing autoimmune, hormonal, chronic and physical issues ….

Opti Thrive

Setting goals, getting clear and understanding what you want, why do you want it and what will happen after you get it

Opti Nurture

Helping your kids with resilience, emotions communication, resolving stress, reducing anxiety, better learning outcomes

Opti Kids

Opti Results


Optimised Generations

Optimised Matrix

Optimised Numerology

Optimised Quantum Empowerment


Quantum Insights